
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (9%)

Technological evolution of mobile user equipments
(UEs), such as smartphones or laptops, goes hand-in-hand with
evolution of new mobile applications.
However, running computationally
demanding applications at the UEs is constrained by
limited battery capacity and energy consumption of the UEs.
Suitable solution extending the battery life-time of the UEs
is to offload the applications demanding huge processing to a
conventional centralized cloud (CC). Nevertheless, this option
introduces significant execution delay consisting in delivery of
the offloaded applications to the cloud and back plus time of
the computation at the cloud. Such delay is inconvenient and
make the offloading unsuitable for real-time applications. To
cope with the delay problem, a new emerging concept, known as
mobile edge computing (MEC), has been introduced. The MEC
brings computation and storage resources to the edge of mobile
network enabling to run the highly demanding applications
at the UE while meeting strict delay requirements. The MEC
computing resources can be exploited also by operators and third
parties for specific purposes. In this paper, we first describe
major use cases and reference scenarios where the MEC is
applicable. After that we survey existing concepts integrating
MEC functionalities to the mobile networks and discuss current
advancement in standardization of the MEC. The core of this
survey is, then, focused on user-oriented use case in the MEC,
i.e., computation offloading. In this regard, we divide the research
on computation offloading to three key areas: i) decision on
computation offloading, ii) allocation of computing resource
within the MEC, and iii) mobility management. Finally, we
highlight lessons learned in area of the MEC and we discuss
open research challenges yet to be addressed in order to fully
enjoy potentials offered by the MEC.

النص الأصلي

Technological evolution of mobile user equipments
(UEs), such as smartphones or laptops, goes hand-in-hand with
evolution of new mobile applications. However, running computationally
demanding applications at the UEs is constrained by
limited battery capacity and energy consumption of the UEs.
Suitable solution extending the battery life-time of the UEs
is to offload the applications demanding huge processing to a
conventional centralized cloud (CC). Nevertheless, this option
introduces significant execution delay consisting in delivery of
the offloaded applications to the cloud and back plus time of
the computation at the cloud. Such delay is inconvenient and
make the offloading unsuitable for real-time applications. To
cope with the delay problem, a new emerging concept, known as
mobile edge computing (MEC), has been introduced. The MEC
brings computation and storage resources to the edge of mobile
network enabling to run the highly demanding applications
at the UE while meeting strict delay requirements. The MEC
computing resources can be exploited also by operators and third
parties for specific purposes. In this paper, we first describe
major use cases and reference scenarios where the MEC is
applicable. After that we survey existing concepts integrating
MEC functionalities to the mobile networks and discuss current
advancement in standardization of the MEC. The core of this
survey is, then, focused on user-oriented use case in the MEC,
i.e., computation offloading. In this regard, we divide the research
on computation offloading to three key areas: i) decision on
computation offloading, ii) allocation of computing resource
within the MEC, and iii) mobility management. Finally, we
highlight lessons learned in area of the MEC and we discuss
open research challenges yet to be addressed in order to fully
enjoy potentials offered by the MEC.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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مميزات أخري

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