
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

Abbasid call began with Imam Mohammed bin Ali bin Abdullah Abbasi, the actual founder of this invitation, where Mohammed managing the Hashemites secretly took over, collecting five of his followers and deploying them to the Captain.The invitation remained secret until it was spread at the advocacy centres, people joined and accepted Imam Mohammed bin Ali Abbassi died in 125H, in Hamema City, Jordan Abbasids belong to Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, the Prophet's uncle.After several conquests, Abu Musallam was able to control the whole of Khorasan The Umuans long didn't know about the formation and spreading of the Abbasid call, and after what they knew, they killed Imam Ibrahim after they imprisoned him Abbasids rid the Umayis in the battle of Zab and the siege of Wasit Abbas was sold out and then Abu Abbas was rebel sold out, and then Abu Muslim rebellion after he responded to Abdullah Ben Ali And he violated and killed Al-Mansour and the killer, and there were results for his murder: the Senbad, the Muslim movement, the Rhunda movement and the Astadesis movementTherefore, the state is entitled to the house of the Messenger of Allah ?Imam Mohammed bin Ali Abbassi organized the Abbassi invitation and made three of its centres, the intimate, the main place where convoy lines were managed, and second place is Kufa because of the easy access to intimacy and the instructions and the provisions are given, the meeting place, the third place is Khorasan because of the Umma property After the death of Imam Mohammed, Abu Muslim appeared to represent the public stage, and the Captain liked his character, became the faithful servant of Imam Ibrahim, and sent him to Khorasan to the Abbasid State Administration Abu Muslim was telling Imam Ibrahim all the developments in Khorasan, and Abu Muslim was able to sit down the general and raise the flag Abu Musallam returned from Khorasan, spread the invitation, gathered loyalists and took control of Maru.

النص الأصلي

Abbasid call began with Imam Mohammed bin Ali bin Abdullah Abbasi, the actual founder of this invitation, where Mohammed managing the Hashemites secretly took over, collecting five of his followers and deploying them to the Captain.The invitation remained secret until it was spread at the advocacy centres, people joined and accepted Imam Mohammed bin Ali Abbassi died in 125H, in Hamema City, Jordan Abbasids belong to Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, the Prophet's uncle. Therefore, the state is entitled to the house of the Messenger of Allah قImam Mohammed bin Ali Abbassi organized the Abbassi invitation and made three of its centres, the intimate, the main place where convoy lines were managed, and second place is Kufa because of the easy access to intimacy and the instructions and the provisions are given, the meeting place, the third place is Khorasan because of the Umma property After the death of Imam Mohammed, Abu Muslim appeared to represent the public stage, and the Captain liked his character, became the faithful servant of Imam Ibrahim, and sent him to Khorasan to the Abbasid State Administration Abu Muslim was telling Imam Ibrahim all the developments in Khorasan, and Abu Muslim was able to sit down the general and raise the flag Abu Musallam returned from Khorasan, spread the invitation, gathered loyalists and took control of Maru. After several conquests, Abu Musallam was able to control the whole of Khorasan The Umuans long didn't know about the formation and spreading of the Abbasid call, and after what they knew, they killed Imam Ibrahim after they imprisoned him Abbasids rid the Umayis in the battle of Zab and the siege of Wasit Abbas was sold out and then Abu Abbas was rebel sold out, and then Abu Muslim rebellion after he responded to Abdullah Ben Ali And he violated and killed Al-Mansour and the killer, and there were results for his murder: the Senbad, the Muslim movement, the Rhunda movement and the Astadesis movement

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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