
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Joel Barker, in his work Discovering the Future speaks of the concepts of paradigm shifts, paradigm paralysis, and paradigm pioneers. A paradigm is a model or pattern based on a set of rules that defines boundaries and specifies how to be successful at and within these boundaries.Success is measured problems solve using these rules. Paradigm shifts can occur instantaneously or they can develop over a period of time. They move us from seeing the world one way to another. When a paradigm shifts, a new model based on a new set of rules replaces old model. The new rules establish new boundaries and allow solutions to problems previously unsolvable. All practitioners of the old paradigm are returned "ground zero" and are again on equal footing because the old rules no longer apply For example, the guidelines (rules) followed by the most successful manufacturer of slide rules became useless the paradigm shift in computation brought about by the invention of pocket calculators. paradigm paralysis as someone (or some organization) who is frozen with the idea that what was successful in the past will continue to be to escape a paradigm paralysis by breaking existing rules when success is not guaranteed. Barker describes successful in the future. Paradigm pioneers are people who have the courage youThey realize that there are no easy roads when traveling in uncharted territory, and wethey cut new pathways, making it safe and easy forothers to follow.The characteristics of a paradigm pioneer are the intuition to recognize a big idea, the courage to move forward in the face of great nisk, and the perseverance to bring the idea to fruition. dYou need to be paradigm pioneer, not only as you generate alternative solutions to problem, but also as you look for ways to improve things when
apparent problems exist. Additionally, paradigm pioneers should continually be searching for opportunities to initiate a paradigm shift to improve their process, product. organization, etc. Barker uses the example of the Swiss watch industry to make this point about paradigms.

النص الأصلي

Joel Barker, in his work Discovering the Future speaks of the concepts of paradigm shifts, paradigm paralysis, and paradigm pioneers. A paradigm is a model or pattern based on a set of rules that defines boundaries and specifies how to be successful at and within these boundaries.Success is measured problems solve using these rules. Paradigm shifts can occur instantaneously or they can develop over a period of time. They move us from seeing the world one way to another. When a paradigm shifts, a new model based on a new set of rules replaces old model. The new rules establish new boundaries and allow solutions to problems previously unsolvable. All practitioners of the old paradigm are returned "ground zero" and are again on equal footing because the old rules no longer apply For example, the guidelines (rules) followed by the most successful manufacturer of slide rules became useless the paradigm shift in computation brought about by the invention of pocket calculators. paradigm paralysis as someone (or some organization) who is frozen with the idea that what was successful in the past will continue to be to escape a paradigm paralysis by breaking existing rules when success is not guaranteed. Barker describes successful in the future. Paradigm pioneers are people who have the courage youThey realize that there are no easy roads when traveling in uncharted territory, and wethey cut new pathways, making it safe and easy forothers to follow.The characteristics of a paradigm pioneer are the intuition to recognize a big idea, the courage to move forward in the face of great nisk, and the perseverance to bring the idea to fruition. dYou need to be paradigm pioneer, not only as you generate alternative solutions to problem, but also as you look for ways to improve things when
apparent problems exist. Additionally, paradigm pioneers should continually be searching for opportunities to initiate a paradigm shift to improve their process, product. organization, etc. Barker uses the example of the Swiss watch industry to make this point about paradigms.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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