
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The advice that the famous author, speaker and founder of Authentic Jobs Inc.The repetition technique has been widely used by many public speakers including Martin Luther King in his speech "I have a dream" as well as Barack Obama in his speech following the 2008 New Hampshire primary, where he repeatedly used the phrase, "Yes we can"
If possible incorporate stories into your speech. Even if you are giving a serious talk in front of a large group of professionals, it does not mean that your speech should sound flat and business-like. An inspirational story or a metaphor to demonstrate your point can go a long way in making your speech memorable and interesting. Include questions, phrases and stories that allow you to interact with your audience and establish an emotional connection with them. A great way to promote interaction with your audience is to ask them a question that they can relate to. One of the most common questions formula used by most successful public speakers is asking "Who has ever been/felt/did ..., raise your hand!"For example, instead of saying "When we have all the facts and the rest of the marketing research data we will make a decision" say, "We will make a decision after we have all the facts and the rest of the marketing research data"
Use memorable adjectives and adverbs to make your speech more powerful. There is a difference between stating "Our organization faces many challenges" and saying "Our organization faces many exciting challenges".Add strategically placed pauses for impact.

النص الأصلي

The advice that the famous author, speaker and founder of Authentic Jobs Inc. - Cameron Moll gives everyone who wants to master the art of public speaking - is to entertain and provide the meaty content to the listeners.
He states:
Keep that in mind when writing your presentation. Write as if you had to speak to just one person in the audience, not a faceless mass of people.
Avoid hype, big words and corporate talk for something genuine and meaningful. Your listeners should feel that you are talking to them, not at them.
Revise your speech
After you have finished the draft of your speech, think of how it can be improved even further.
Consider making your sentences shorter, especially the ones loaded with emotional content, e.g. “Failure is not an option”, “No excuses”, “If not us – who? If not now - when?”, “Period.” Doing this will not only make your message more powerful and easier to understand, but also creates more pause-and-breathe opportunities.
For longer sentences consider putting the main verb early. For example, instead of saying “When we have all the facts and the rest of the marketing research data we will make a decision” say, “We will make a decision after we have all the facts and the rest of the marketing research data”
Use memorable adjectives and adverbs to make your speech more powerful. There is a difference between stating “Our organization faces many challenges” and saying “Our organization faces many exciting challenges”. The first sentence is impersonal, the second reflects your attitude and invites your listeners to look at the situation from a different perspective.
Add strategically placed pauses for impact.
Repeat the key idea over and over again throughout your presentation. It helps your listeners to remember it and allows you to tie your main concepts together. The repetition technique has been widely used by many public speakers including Martin Luther King in his speech “I have a dream” as well as Barack Obama in his speech following the 2008 New Hampshire primary, where he repeatedly used the phrase, “Yes we can”
If possible incorporate stories into your speech. Even if you are giving a serious talk in front of a large group of professionals, it does not mean that your speech should sound flat and business-like. An inspirational story or a metaphor to demonstrate your point can go a long way in making your speech memorable and interesting.
Include questions, phrases and stories that allow you to interact with your audience and establish an emotional connection with them. A great way to promote interaction with your audience is to ask them a question that they can relate to. One of the most common questions formula used by most successful public speakers is asking “Who has ever been/felt/did …, raise your hand!” while raising their hand as well.
Tie loose ends together.
Make sure that the ends of your speech are tied together, that you start and end with a strong statement, that your introduction is consistent with your conclusion, and that your visual aids are coherent and support your main ideas.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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