
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (74%)

The distinguished name abbreviates a lot of things in marketing because the distinguished name will be directly related to the mind.It gives a high reception and gives you good competition, but there may be a negative effect on the consumer in the long run so that the prices will go up.
The difference between advertising and advertising, is advertising is what is famous and shown, for example, on television, and it is usually something you do not know behind it. But the ad knows who's behind it.
The most prominent marketing tricks, the pyramid network marketing is forbidden by the system, and it is ISIS marketing so that they take the victim and isolate her from society and tell him that he is a great human being.The saying "the price is expensive" sometimes this saying is true and may not be healthy, and the annoying thing is that companies know that there are people who look at the most expensive product and buy it.
Pricing is one of the most important and profitable topics in marketing, so you must be distinguished in your pricing of products because that makes a difference in the product. Low pricing is a factor in the lack of consumer attraction and loss. Prestige pricing is one of the pricing strategies, which is done in a huge amount and with a large difference from the usual in the market and has nothing to do with the cost. Some companies, including bags or women's products in general, target this pricing. There is a saying "don't buy something you don't need, no matter how tempting" because companies target consumers with offers and get them used to a certain thing and then change that and surround you with limited options.Marketing offers a variety of channels to reach segments that do not dream of reaching them worldwide and influencing them, and this makes caution an obligation of us. Marketing creates new habits so that you have to identify the target group because each category has its own needs.Personal marketing or self-marketing has become a science within the marketing school and it consists of two main parts, but many people neglect the first aspect and they are much more important than the second aspect, firstly building the product (yourself) which is building strength factors within you and secondly how this product is marketed or promoted There are basic pillars of self-marketing, the first and most important of which is the focus, and this is done in three steps: 1.Some think that the word marketing is only promotion, while if we simplify the topic, we find that marketing has a 4ps theory of marketing on which the product is based, product pricing, distribution of this product, and promotional.Market division is one of the most important addresses in the marketing file, and some do not know how the market is divided in its infancy for marketing and think that all groups are targeted, so the market is divided according to the strategy that you will follow and the goal you want to reach.Marketing countries or cities is one of the most complex marketing files, and this is because marketing the city is carried out by all government agencies, the private sector, charitable agencies, and the citizen, everything is a partner in the work.It is difficult to change a person when he is accustomed to a certain thing, and there is a book that talks about the effect of habits on us, which is the power of habit so that you work on the usual things as a routine without asking yourself about it, but companies consider this a great challenge for how to change human habits and that it was found scientifically that to change them you must take a moment of change In your life, the best way to market is to create or change the habit of consumers.Number 99 in pricing was previously a security and accounting goal, so there were no surveillance cameras, and for the cashier to have to open the box and return the rest, but with time the behavior of people changed and became a sign of the existence of an offer.Today, countries look at the name and try to increase the market value through the value-added product and appropriate pricing, the distribution that reaches the customer, and promotion that reaches these people.There is a term known as limited parts and this is one of the parts of the work of marketing and it has been expanded in the present as the seat reservation in the plane, which means the seat location.Secondly, continuous learning is when you have a cumulative effect.There are partnerships between companies in different sectors and they are working on a joint marketing campaign and this makes them have beautiful positive effects.Collect your priorities 2.

النص الأصلي

The distinguished name abbreviates a lot of things in marketing because the distinguished name will be directly related to the mind. Marketing is not difficult but at the same time, it takes some steps and is also fun. Today, marketing is known as advertising in social media, but marketing is more dangerous and deeper than that. Marketing offers a variety of channels to reach segments that do not dream of reaching them worldwide and influencing them, and this makes caution an obligation of us. Marketing creates new habits so that you have to identify the target group because each category has its own needs. It is difficult to change a person when he is accustomed to a certain thing, and there is a book that talks about the effect of habits on us, which is the power of habit so that you work on the usual things as a routine without asking yourself about it, but companies consider this a great challenge for how to change human habits and that it was found scientifically that to change them you must take a moment of change In your life, the best way to market is to create or change the habit of consumers.
Some think that the word marketing is only promotion, while if we simplify the topic, we find that marketing has a 4ps theory of marketing on which the product is based, product pricing, distribution of this product, and promotional.
The saying “the price is expensive” sometimes this saying is true and may not be healthy, and the annoying thing is that companies know that there are people who look at the most expensive product and buy it.
Pricing is one of the most important and profitable topics in marketing, so you must be distinguished in your pricing of products because that makes a difference in the product. Low pricing is a factor in the lack of consumer attraction and loss.
Prestige pricing is one of the pricing strategies, which is done in a huge amount and with a large difference from the usual in the market and has nothing to do with the cost. Some companies, including bags or women's products in general, target this pricing.
There is a saying "don't buy something you don't need, no matter how tempting" because companies target consumers with offers and get them used to a certain thing and then change that and surround you with limited options.
Market division is one of the most important addresses in the marketing file, and some do not know how the market is divided in its infancy for marketing and think that all groups are targeted, so the market is divided according to the strategy that you will follow and the goal you want to reach.
There is a term known as limited parts and this is one of the parts of the work of marketing and it has been expanded in the present as the seat reservation in the plane, which means the seat location. Five reasons behind the amazing success, the most important of which is the ability of the manager and those with him to focus.
Number 99 in pricing was previously a security and accounting goal, so there were no surveillance cameras, and for the cashier to have to open the box and return the rest, but with time the behavior of people changed and became a sign of the existence of an offer.
Personal marketing or self-marketing has become a science within the marketing school and it consists of two main parts, but many people neglect the first aspect and they are much more important than the second aspect, firstly building the product (yourself) which is building strength factors within you and secondly how this product is marketed or promoted There are basic pillars of self-marketing, the first and most important of which is the focus, and this is done in three steps: 1. Collect your priorities 2. Arrange your priorities according to your goal in life 3. Take three priorities from the start and ignore the rest. Secondly, continuous learning is when you have a cumulative effect. For example, if you want to learn a specific art, allocate a certain time for you to learn it. The third is task management. Fourth, is stress management. Fifth, build yourself before building your specialty.
How do I market myself? There are many ideas in that, the most important of which is to learn the marketing rule and if you understand it, you will have understood a large part of personal marketing, which is positioning, which means any word or message you write makes your personal brand, you are the one who makes it and makes it in the minds of people. Personal marketing means that you search for the full power within you and try to benefit your country, your family, and yourself as well, and this shortens the marketing file. And you send to people that you specialize in it and that it is your field.
Advertising war is fun and as marketing material people enjoy. It gives a high reception and gives you good competition, but there may be a negative effect on the consumer in the long run so that the prices will go up.
The difference between advertising and advertising, is advertising is what is famous and shown, for example, on television, and it is usually something you do not know behind it. But the ad knows who's behind it.
The most prominent marketing tricks, the pyramid network marketing is forbidden by the system, and it is ISIS marketing so that they take the victim and isolate her from society and tell him that he is a great human being.
The influence of the industrialized country is your name, and the place of the industry has an impact and market value, and there are people who pay three times because of this name. That is why improving this name and keeping it and improving it increases its market value. Today, countries look at the name and try to increase the market value through the value-added product and appropriate pricing, the distribution that reaches the customer, and promotion that reaches these people.
Marketing countries or cities is one of the most complex marketing files, and this is because marketing the city is carried out by all government agencies, the private sector, charitable agencies, and the citizen, everything is a partner in the work.
There are partnerships between companies in different sectors and they are working on a joint marketing campaign and this makes them have beautiful positive effects.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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