
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (68%)

word biotchnology is derived from tow words biology and technology biology means special knowlodge about organisms and technology means a manner of accomplishing a task specially using technical processes, methods or knowlodge through the application of this technology, from a cell of an organism, microorganism or a part of it any new organism with new characters is developed or any processed or by -product substance is produced from this organism, in order to lives well in heal and beautifull environememt in the present world by ignoring the huge pressure of increasing population, there is no alternative to biotechnology.microbes such as bacteria, blue green algae and fungus are being used in producing compost.in order to protect crops from the attack of pests, insecticides bacteria, virus and weeds, microbs and biological agents are being used instead of chemicals and pesticides .through.

النص الأصلي

word biotchnology is derived from tow words biology and technology biology means special knowlodge about organisms and technology means a manner of accomplishing a task specially using technical processes, methods or knowlodge through the application of this technology, from a cell of an organism, microorganism or a part of it any new organism with new characters is developed or any processed or by -product substance is produced from this organism, in order to lives well in heal and beautifull environememt in the present world by ignoring the huge pressure of increasing population, there is no alternative to biotechnology.
By eating, super rice -which is recently invented in this process and rich in iron and beta carotene, we can meet up the want of vitamin A and iron. through. tissue culture the species of potato tabacco and banana resiste to virus have been invented. Through biotchnology salinity tolerant and drought resistant sRecies of plant hanve been invented. microbes such as bacteria, blue green algae and fungus are being used in producing compost. in order to protect crops from the attack of pests, insecticides bacteria, virus and weeds, microbs and biological agents are being used instead of chemicals and pesticides .
Françals (France)
1 Accessibilité: non disponible

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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