
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

6.Heterogeneous components and various chemicals may be the reason for fluctuant separation results (Zhang et al., 2022).Thousands of varieties are probably recognized according to tremendous types and amounts of resins, fillers, additives, pigments, reinforcing agents, and modifying agents, much less customized surface modification and special pro- cessing.Accordingly, the sepa- ration processing would be simple and efficient when manufacturing sectors focus on the separation of plastic materials corresponding to an individual commodity.In a commodity-driven process, separation technologies can be established based on resins rather than various chemical composition (fillers, additives, pigments, reinforcing agents, and modifying agents).9, most researchers focused on the separation of plastics with different resins, fillers, additives, pigments, reinforcing agents, and modifying agents.Reproducible separation: Under similar technical conditions, the separation result of different researchers might be a radical departure from each other (Guo et al., 2018; Truc and Lee, 2019; Truc and Lee, 2016b).The components of mismanaged solid wastes are admittedly more compli- cated than that of recycled individual product.Source segregation: Because classification should be emphasized before separation, commodity-driven plastic separation can achieve a source segregation of waste plastics.However, characteristics of plastic- containing commodities were excluded from plastic separation.The advantages of commodity-driven processes are summarized as follows.

النص الأصلي

  1. Perspectives
    As shown in Fig. 9, most researchers focused on the separation of plastics with different resins, fillers, additives, pigments, reinforcing agents, and modifying agents. However, characteristics of plastic- containing commodities were excluded from plastic separation. These prevailing separation routes are referred to a plastic-driven process in this study. Different from a plastic-driven process, the commodity- driven process starts plastic separation with commodity classification. It is commodity that the separation should be based on to isolate waste plastics from each other. Therefore, the commodity-driven process could overcome the disadvantages of existing plastic-driven process and become an efficient alternative route. For example, PET and PVC should be separated, and the PET from soft drink bottles and the PET from electric equipment also require separation. Thousands of varieties are probably recognized according to tremendous types and amounts of resins, fillers, additives, pigments, reinforcing agents, and modifying agents, much less customized surface modification and special pro- cessing. The advantages of commodity-driven processes are summarized as follows.
    Source segregation: Because classification should be emphasized before separation, commodity-driven plastic separation can achieve a source segregation of waste plastics. It means that waste plastics from different commodities can avoid to be separated. The complexity in components dominants the technical design for plastic separation. The components of mismanaged solid wastes are admittedly more compli- cated than that of recycled individual product. Accordingly, the sepa- ration processing would be simple and efficient when manufacturing sectors focus on the separation of plastic materials corresponding to an individual commodity.
    Cradle to Cradle: It is attractive for the directional conversion of waste plastics to their original plastic commodities by mechanical recycling. In a commodity-driven process, separation technologies can be established based on resins rather than various chemical composition (fillers, additives, pigments, reinforcing agents, and modifying agents). In this situation, the post-treatment of separated plastic before re- entering markets would be so simple that a retransformation process could prevent the addition of chemical reagents.
    Reproducible separation: Under similar technical conditions, the separation result of different researchers might be a radical departure from each other (Guo et al., 2018; Truc and Lee, 2019; Truc and Lee, 2016b). The reproducibility of plastic separation is a controversial topic, which hinders the promotion and application of a certain separation technology. Heterogeneous components and various chemicals may be the reason for fluctuant separation results (Zhang et al., 2022). The separation technology developed based on commodity-driven process could be simply immigrated to the plastic separation of similar commodities.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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