خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة
loaded with all sorts of fruits and sweetmeats.The magician set fire to the wood, and when the flames arose, he threw in some incense and then spoke two magic words which Aladdin did not understand."Well, then," said the magician, "I will take you with me tomorrow, and clothe you as handsomely as any merchant in the city."Aladdin chose those he liked best and put them on. The magician then took the boy to visit the finest shops in the city, and in the evening he gave him a feast."You must think of some way of earning a living. I will be glad to help you. If you like, I will take a shop for you and furnish it with fine linens."He saluted Aladdin's mother, and, with tears in
his eyes, asked to be shown to the place where his brother used to sit.As soon as they sat down
to supper, he began to tell of his travels.I have been forty years away from this country, and during that time I have traveled in many lands.Are you of any trade?" Aladdin hung his head, and had nothing to say. His mother replied, "Aladdin has never learned a trade.He came again the next day, as he had promised, and took Aladdin to a merchant who sold all sorts of clothes."Aladdin," he replied, "is a good boy and well deserves all that I can do for him.Aladdin soon gathered a great pile.I am indeed sad to learn of my brother's death, but it is a comfort to find that he has so fine
a son." Then turning to Aladdin, he asked, "What business do you follow?
loaded with all sorts of fruits and sweetmeats. He saluted Aladdin's mother, and, with tears in
his eyes, asked to be shown to the place where his brother used to sit. As soon as they sat down
to supper, he began to tell of his travels. "My good sister," said he, "do not be surprised that you have never seen me before. I have been forty years away from this country, and during that time I have traveled in many lands. I am indeed sad to learn of my brother's death, but it is a comfort to find that he has so fine
a son."
Then turning to Aladdin, he asked, "What business do you follow? Are you of any trade?" Aladdin hung his head, and had nothing to say.
His mother replied, "Aladdin has never learned a trade. He does nothing but play in the street with his friends."
"That's not good, my nephew," said the magician. "You must think of some way of earning a living. I will be glad to help you. If you like, I will take a shop for you and furnish it with fine linens."
Aladdin was full of joy at the idea. He told the magician that no business would please him better.
"Well, then," said the magician, "I will take you with me tomorrow, and clothe you as handsomely as any merchant in the city."
He came again the next day, as he had promised, and took Aladdin to a merchant who sold all sorts of clothes. Aladdin chose those he liked best and put them on. The magician then took the boy to visit the finest shops in the city, and in the evening he gave him a feast. When Aladdin's mother saw him return so well dressed, and heard him tell all that had
happened, she was much pleased. "Kind brother," she said to the magician, "I do not know
how to thank you for all your goodness."
"Aladdin," he replied, "is a good boy and well deserves all that I can do for him. I shall be very proud of him some day. Tomorrow I want to take him to see the gardens outside the town, and then the next day we will open the shop."
Aladdin rose very early the next morning, and ran to meet his uncle when he saw him coming. The magician led the boy out at one of the gates of the city to some beautiful gardens. They walked on and on, talking as they went, until they had gone far into the country.
When they grew tired, they sat down by a fountain of clear water, and the magician took from his girdle a box filled with cakes and fruits.
When they had caten, they walked farther into the country, until they came to a narrow valley, with mountains on all sides. This was the place that the magician had hoped to reach. He had brought Aladdin here for a secret purpose.
"We will go no farther now," he said to the boy. "I will show you here some strange things that no one besides yourself will ever see. While I strike a light, gather up the loose dry sticks you can see, to kindle a fire with."
Aladdin soon gathered a great pile. The magician set fire to the wood, and when the flames arose, he threw in some incense and then spoke two magic words which Aladdin did not understand.
تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص
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