
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The ancient Egyptian civilization has established itself on the tables of research and exploration as one of the oldest civilizations of the universe. She knew how to defend the interests and the passion of hundreds of scientists of the world, of all nationalities.
Although the Egyptian civilization is geographically and historically historical, the most prominent scientists in the field of "Egyptology", one of the branches of archeology specializing in the study of the history of literature, language, arts, religion and fossils in ancient Egypt, are foreigners.
This is the reality, say researchers and Egyptian professors. These scientists have not taken the most important feature of futility, but for their archaeological discoveries.
1) Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832)
Jean-François Champollion
Inside-Egyptologists Jean-Francois Champollion
He laid the foundation for the study of the ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphs" by discovering the symbols of the Rosetta Stone in 1828, during the French campaign against Egypt. He also opened the door to the study of the close connection between the ancient Egyptian language and the Greek language, and he was the first to request the codification of the theft of Egyptian antiquities when he asked Mohamed Ali , governor of Egypt, to pass a law limiting theft.
He was a member of many archaeological organizations in the world such as: the Franco-Asian Association, the German Institute of Archeology, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy Swedish language, history and archeology.
2) Howard Carter (1874-1939)

Inside-Egyptologists Howard-Carter
British archaeologist passionate about the study of Egyptian antiquities since childhood.
After the British occupation of Egypt, he decided to move closer to study the history of ancient Egypt.
Carter is one of the most eminent scientists who discovered their names in the history of Egyptology because of their valuable discoveries, perhaps the most remarkable discovery of the statue of "Tutankhamun", one of the most pharaohs of the eighteenth Egyptian family, in November 1922. This discovery is the most important archaeological discovery in history. It has an unprecedented global resonance.
In addition to his efforts to discover some of the relics related to the kingdom of Hatshepsut, the most famous queen of Egypt of the eighteenth dynasty, Deir el-Bahari in 1899.
3) EdudardNaville (1844-1926)

Inside-Edouard Naville Egyptologists,
A Swiss scientist who traveled to Egypt in 1865 to begin his journey to discover the ancient Egyptian language and search for antiquities. Worked in archaeological areas, including "Tel Basta" near the province of Sharkia currently.
In his archaeological work, he was associated with solar texts (texts read by the ancient Egyptians to give them life by the god Re, sun god of the Egyptians, in resurrection and immortality) and the book of the dead by the Egyptians (the book of the underworld, which includes texts and funeral prayers that serve as a guide to the deceased). Towards the place where dwell the righteous, the righteous).
Among his most outstanding achievements in the field of Egyptology, he has notably contributed to the excavations of the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, as well as the temple of Montuhotep II of the eleventh dynasty of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. The British Museum in London and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston contain the most remarkable discoveries of Naville.

4) Auguste Mariette (1812-1881)

The interior Egyptologists - Auguste-Mariettee
The first foreign scientist dubbed "Pasha", a high Egyptian title of the time, after his discoveries and his influence on the archaeological library in Egypt, where he founded the Egyptian museum in Cairo.
He has made many discoveries, including: the calf's chapel (Serapeum), the temple of the monastery of the sea, some monuments in the temples of Karnak and Habou in Luxor, as well as the discovery of the statue of Khafra in Giza, as well as as the statue of the writer sitting in Saqqara and the statue of Sheikh Balad in Saqqara.

5) Gaston Maspero (1846-1916)

Inside-Egyptologists, Gaston Maspero,
French archaeologist of Italian origin, who came to Egypt at the head of a French mission in 1881. He has numerous archaeological discoveries in Saqqara and others, but his name was closely associated with Deir el-Bahari in Luxor, which long worked in the field of excavations and excavations. He is also the founder of the French Institute of Archeology in Cairo, which he created especially to study Egyptian archeology in all its branches and types.
He recovered hundreds of stolen and smuggled Egyptian artifacts

النص الأصلي

The ancient Egyptian civilization has established itself on the tables of research and exploration as one of the oldest civilizations of the universe. She knew how to defend the interests and the passion of hundreds of scientists of the world, of all nationalities.
Although the Egyptian civilization is geographically and historically historical, the most prominent scientists in the field of "Egyptology", one of the branches of archeology specializing in the study of the history of literature, language, arts, religion and fossils in ancient Egypt, are foreigners.
This is the reality, say researchers and Egyptian professors. These scientists have not taken the most important feature of futility, but for their archaeological discoveries.

  1. Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832)
    Jean-François Champollion
    Inside-Egyptologists Jean-Francois Champollion
    He laid the foundation for the study of the ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphs" by discovering the symbols of the Rosetta Stone in 1828, during the French campaign against Egypt. He also opened the door to the study of the close connection between the ancient Egyptian language and the Greek language, and he was the first to request the codification of the theft of Egyptian antiquities when he asked Mohamed Ali , governor of Egypt, to pass a law limiting theft.
    He was a member of many archaeological organizations in the world such as: the Franco-Asian Association, the German Institute of Archeology, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy Swedish language, history and archeology.

  2. Howard Carter (1874-1939)

Inside-Egyptologists Howard-Carter
British archaeologist passionate about the study of Egyptian antiquities since childhood. After the British occupation of Egypt, he decided to move closer to study the history of ancient Egypt.
Carter is one of the most eminent scientists who discovered their names in the history of Egyptology because of their valuable discoveries, perhaps the most remarkable discovery of the statue of "Tutankhamun", one of the most pharaohs of the eighteenth Egyptian family, in November 1922. This discovery is the most important archaeological discovery in history. It has an unprecedented global resonance.
In addition to his efforts to discover some of the relics related to the kingdom of Hatshepsut, the most famous queen of Egypt of the eighteenth dynasty, Deir el-Bahari in 1899.
3) EdudardNaville (1844-1926)

Inside-Edouard Naville Egyptologists,
A Swiss scientist who traveled to Egypt in 1865 to begin his journey to discover the ancient Egyptian language and search for antiquities. Worked in archaeological areas, including "Tel Basta" near the province of Sharkia currently.
In his archaeological work, he was associated with solar texts (texts read by the ancient Egyptians to give them life by the god Re, sun god of the Egyptians, in resurrection and immortality) and the book of the dead by the Egyptians (the book of the underworld, which includes texts and funeral prayers that serve as a guide to the deceased). Towards the place where dwell the righteous, the righteous).
Among his most outstanding achievements in the field of Egyptology, he has notably contributed to the excavations of the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, as well as the temple of Montuhotep II of the eleventh dynasty of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. The British Museum in London and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston contain the most remarkable discoveries of Naville.

  1. Auguste Mariette (1812-1881)

The interior Egyptologists - Auguste-Mariettee
The first foreign scientist dubbed "Pasha", a high Egyptian title of the time, after his discoveries and his influence on the archaeological library in Egypt, where he founded the Egyptian museum in Cairo.
He has made many discoveries, including: the calf's chapel (Serapeum), the temple of the monastery of the sea, some monuments in the temples of Karnak and Habou in Luxor, as well as the discovery of the statue of Khafra in Giza, as well as as the statue of the writer sitting in Saqqara and the statue of Sheikh Balad in Saqqara.

  1. Gaston Maspero (1846-1916)

Inside-Egyptologists, Gaston Maspero,
French archaeologist of Italian origin, who came to Egypt at the head of a French mission in 1881. He has numerous archaeological discoveries in Saqqara and others, but his name was closely associated with Deir el-Bahari in Luxor, which long worked in the field of excavations and excavations. He is also the founder of the French Institute of Archeology in Cairo, which he created especially to study Egyptian archeology in all its branches and types.
He recovered hundreds of stolen and smuggled Egyptian artifacts

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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مميزات أخري

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