
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Isaac's family was going on vacation."The food service will begin soon. Just lower the tray on the seat in front of you, and flip this switch. Then they'll bring your dinner! Last time, they served chicken, peas, and a box of raisins," Rachel explained.Then the pilot notified the passengers of bad conditions in the atmosphere."We're tracking the weather: lightning, clouds, etc. The ride might get a bit rough," he stated
Suddenly, the plane started to shake."The first time I flew, the plane shook so bad that cargo started falling. My parents told me to listen to music and read a chapter in my book. It calmed me," Rachel said.After being idle for a few minutes, the pilot announced that they were ready to leave.He put on headphones and took out a book by his favorite author.He looked out the window at the vivid colors of the sky."I'm still a bit nervous," Issac said, "and I'm getting hungry."Suddenly, the plane shook again.

النص الأصلي

Isaac’s family was going on vacation. He was excited about the trip except for one thing. He had never been on a plane before. He was scared that his plane would have a breakdown.

Isaac got onto the plane. He walked down the aisle until he found his seat. He sat down and connected the ends of his seat belt. After being idle for a few minutes, the pilot announced that they were ready to leave.

He looked out the window at the vivid colors of the sky. He began to feel scared. The girl sitting next to him said, “Hi, I’m Rachel! You look nervous, but you don’t need to be. Flying is fun!”

“I’m still a bit nervous,” Issac said, “and I’m getting hungry.”

“The food service will begin soon. Just lower the tray on the seat in front of you, and flip this switch. Then they’ll bring your dinner! Last time, they served chicken, peas, and a box of raisins,” Rachel explained.

Then the pilot notified the passengers of bad conditions in the atmosphere. “We’re tracking the weather: lightning, clouds, etc. The ride might get a bit rough,” he stated
Suddenly, the plane started to shake. Isaac was badly afflicted by his fear. His stomach hurt, and he thought he might vomit. He couldn’t believe that he was in such an unfortunate place. Finally, the shaking stopped. Isaac was still scared, but he tried to retain a good attitude.

“The first time I flew, the plane shook so bad that cargo started falling. My parents told me to listen to music and read a chapter in my book. It calmed me,” Rachel said.

Suddenly, the plane shook again. This time, Isaac followed Rachel’s advice. He put on headphones and took out a book by his favorite author. The book and the music helped Isaac feel better. After a while, he didn’t even notice the bad weather. The bad situation didn’t feel so bad after someone helped him.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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