
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Project Management Statistics
oA Total global spending on technology goods, services, and staff was projected to reach $2.4 trillion in 2008
oIn the U.S. the size of the IT workforce topped 4 million workers for the first time in 2008

oIn 2007 the total compensation for the average senior project manager in U.S. dollars was $104,776 per year in the United States, $111,412 in Australia, and $120,364 in the United Kingdom

oThe number of people earning their Project Management Professional (PMP) certification continues to increase

????oA project :
"a temporary endeavor was undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result" (PMBOK(R) Guide, Fourth Edition, 2008, p. 5)
oProjects end when their objectives have been reached or the project has been terminated
oProjects can be large or small and can take a short or long time to complete
oOperations is work done to support the business
o systems have input, processing, and output
oA cybernetic system, a self-monitoring, self-regulating system, adds feedback and control:
-Feedback is data about the performance of a system
-Control involves monitoring and evaluating feedback to determine whether a system is moving toward the achievement of its goal

Project Example 1
omanufacturing cell phone cases:
oA cell phone company is interested in manufacturing a special cell phone case for their newest model.Examples of IT Projects
oA small software development team adds a new feature to an internal software application for the finance department

oA college campus upgrades its technology infrastructure to provide wireless Internet access across the whole campus

oA company decides what Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP*) system to purchase and how it will be implemented

o(* A protocol for transmitting the human voice in digital form over the Internet or other networks as an audio stream, instead of using traditional telephone lines.Project Attributes
oA project:
oHas a unique purpose
oIs temporary
oIs developed using progressive elaboration
oRequires resources, often from various areas
oShould have a primary customer or sponsor
oThe project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding for the project
oInvolves uncertainty
????VoIP uses the Internet Protocol (IP), but is not limited to communication by computer--even phone-to-phone communication can be conducted using this technology.???????...?????????????...

النص الأصلي

Project Management Statistics
•A Total global spending on technology goods, services, and staff was projected to reach $2.4 trillion in 2008
•In the U.S. the size of the IT workforce topped 4 million workers for the first time in 2008

•In 2007 the total compensation for the average senior project manager in U.S. dollars was $104,776 per year in the United States, $111,412 in Australia, and $120,364 in the United Kingdom

•The number of people earning their Project Management Professional (PMP) certification continues to increase

يجري التحميل…

What went wrong?
•IT Projects have a terrible track record (Project failure)
•In 1995 Standish Group study (CHAOS) found that only 16.2% of IT projects were successful in meeting scope, time, and cost goals; over 31% of IT projects were canceled before completion.
•A PricewaterhouseCoopers study found that overall, half of all projects fail and only 2.5% of corporations consistently meet their targets for scope, time, and cost goals for all types of project.

•These facts motivate for studying project management formally

What Is a Project?
•A project :
“a temporary endeavor was undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result” (PMBOK® Guide, Fourth Edition, 2008, p. 5)
◦Projects end when their objectives have been reached or the project has been terminated
◦Projects can be large or small and can take a short or long time to complete
•Operations is work done to support the business
• systems have input, processing, and output
•A cybernetic system, a self-monitoring, self-regulating system, adds feedback and control:
–Feedback is data about the performance of a system
–Control involves monitoring and evaluating feedback to determine whether a system is moving toward the achievement of its goal

Project Example 1
•manufacturing cell phone cases:
◦A cell phone company is interested in manufacturing a special cell phone case for their newest model. This cell phone case is part of a promotion to sell the phone. They begin four months from today. Only 1200 of these special cases will be manufactured for distribution during the promotion. After the promotion, no further cases will be manufactured or distributed.
•is it temporary? 
•is it unique? 
•will the end of the project reach the project objectives? 

Project Example 2
•manufacturing cell phone cases:
◦The cell phone company has so much success with their promotional cell phone cases that customer demand has convinced them to integrate this case as part of their regular product offering. It will now be manufactured along with the other five cases that are currently offered. The cases will be manufactured until the customer demands the phone drops.
•is it temporary? 
•is it unique? 
•will the end of the project reach the project objectives? 
◦It is not a project, it is an operation work.

Examples of IT Projects
•A small software development team adds a new feature to an internal software application for the finance department

•A college campus upgrades its technology infrastructure to provide wireless Internet access across the whole campus

•A company decides what Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP*) system to purchase and how it will be implemented

•(* A protocol for transmitting the human voice in digital form over the Internet or other networks as an audio stream, instead of using traditional telephone lines. VoIP uses the Internet Protocol (IP), but is not limited to communication by computer—even phone-to-phone communication can be conducted using this technology.

Project Attributes
•A project:
◦Has a unique purpose
◦Is temporary
◦Is developed using progressive elaboration
◦Requires resources, often from various areas
◦Should have a primary customer or sponsor
•The project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding for the project
◦Involves uncertainty
يجري التحميل…

The Triple Constraint
•Every project is constrained in different ways by its
scope, time and cost goals. The limitations are sometimes called the triple constraints.
–Scope goals: What is the project trying to accomplish? What unique product or service does the customer or sponsor expect from the project ?
–Time goals: How long should it take to complete the project? What is the project schedule ?
–Cost goals: What should it cost to complete the project?
•It is the project manager’s duty to balance these three often competing goals

The Triple Constraint of Project Management
•Successful project management means meeting all three goals (scope, time, and cost) – and satisfying the project’s sponsor!

Quadruple Constraint
•Triple constraints describe the basic elements of a

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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