
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (86%)

Parallel Systems & Load Sharing
In a paralleled generator system, it is common to have combinations of two or three generators operating in parallel.o An electrical generator driven by a RAT.It is usual to incorporate an interlock circuit to prevent paralleling of the APU, external supply with aircraft generators, as these sources are considered incompatible.o Continuity of electrical supplies; without paralleling, there may be a break in services when switching to a correctly functioning generator.The action of applying ground power until the generators are operating are as follows: Three phase AC is applied to the aircraft through a six pin ground power plug.These can be provided by:
o A battery which supplies vital DC loads and a static inverter.o Disadvantages
o Fault propagation; avoided by adequate circuit protection units.On the ground, either the external supply or APU generator(s) can supply power to all AC load bus bars in the absence of main generator power.Transformer rectifier units are included to supply the DC bus bars and charge the batteries.The static inverter will supply the AC standby bus bar.Before this power is allowed to pass to the aircrafts electrical system an interlock must be satisfied:
o For correct voltage.It has the following advantages and disadvantages:
o Better able to handle shock loads.Some aircraft types have separate battery charging facilities.o Generator life is prolonged, since each generator is normally run on part load.o Parallel operation does not without modification meet requirements for totally independent supplies.That no other power sources feeding the AC bus bars.

النص الأصلي

Parallel Systems & Load Sharing
In a paralleled generator system, it is common to have combinations of two or three generators operating in parallel. This type of system is more complicated than the Split Bus system. It has the following advantages and disadvantages:
• Better able to handle shock loads.
• Continuity of electrical supplies; without paralleling, there may be a break in services when switching to a correctly functioning generator.
• Generator life is prolonged, since each generator is normally run on part load.
• Disadvantages
• Fault propagation; avoided by adequate circuit protection units.
• Parallel operation does not without modification meet requirements for totally independent supplies.
On the ground, either the external supply or APU generator(s) can supply power to all AC load bus bars in the absence of main generator power. It is usual to incorporate an interlock circuit to prevent paralleling of the APU, external supply with aircraft generators, as these sources are considered incompatible. Transformer rectifier units are included to supply the DC bus bars and charge the batteries. Some aircraft types have separate battery charging facilities. In the event of a total loss of generated power it is necessary to resort to emergency services. These can be provided by:
• A battery which supplies vital DC loads and a static inverter. The static inverter will supply the AC standby bus bar.
• An electrical generator driven by a RAT.
Parallel Operation of Typical Generator System
The electrical system shown is in the power off condition. The action of applying ground power until the generators are operating are as follows: Three phase AC is applied to the aircraft through a six pin ground power plug. Before this power is allowed to pass to the aircrafts electrical system an interlock must be satisfied:
• For correct voltage.
• For correct frequency.
• For correct phase rotation. That no other power sources feeding the AC bus bars.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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