
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (96%)

Matthew Cuthbert lived with his sister Marilla on their
farm on Prince Edward Island in Canada."Yes,' the man replied. 'And there's a passenger who's
waiting for you. A little girl.' *A little girl?' asked Matthew. But I've come for a
boy! The children's home is sending us one of their
orphan boys. We're going to adopt him, you see, and
he's going to help me with the farm work.' Well, perhaps the children's home didn't have any
boys, so they sent you a girl,' answered the station-
master carelessly. 'Here she is.
Matthew turned shyly to speak to the child. She was
about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits. Her face
was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she
had large grey-green eyes. She was wearing an old brown
hat and a dress which was too small for her. 'Are you Mr Cuthbert of Green Gables? she asked
excitedly in a high, sweet voice. 'I'm very happy to come
and live with you, and belong to you. I've never belonged
to anyone, you see. The people at the children's home
were very kind, but it's not very exciting to live in a place
like that, is it?' Matthew felt sorry for the child. How could he tell her
that it was all a mistake? But he couldn't just leave her at
the station. He decided to take her home with him. Marilla could explain the mistake to her. He was surprised that he enjoyed the journey home. He was a quiet, shy man, and he didn't like talking

They sent you a girl,' said the station-master. himself. But today, he only had to listen, because the
little girl talked and talked and talked. She told him all
about herself while they drove along. My parents died when I was a baby, you know, and
for the last three years I've had to work for my food. I've
lived with three different families and looked after their
children. So I've always been poor, and I haven't got any
nice dresses! But I just imagine that I'm wearing the most
beautiful blue dress, and a big hat with flowers on, and
blue shoes, and then I'm happy! Do you imagine things
sometimes?' Well, I...I....not often,' said Matthew. 'I just imagine that I'm wearing the most beautiful blue dress. They were now driving past some very old apple trees
next to the road. The trees were full of sweet-smelling,
snowy-white flowers. The little girl looked at them. *Aren't the trees beautiful?' she said happily. 'But amI
talking too much? Please tell me. I can stop if necessary,
you know.' Matthew smiled at her. 'You go on talking,' he
answered. I like listening to you. When they arrived at Green Gables, Marilla came to
the door to meet them. But when she saw the little girl,
she cried in surprise, 'Matthew, who's that? Where's the
boy?' *The children's home has made a mistake,' he said
unhappily, "and sent a girl, not a boy.Their
farmhouse, Green Gables, was just outside the little
village of Avonlea.Everybody
in Avonlea knew that the Cuthberts were quiet people
who worked very hard on their farm."Will you please call me
Cordelia?' she asked. *Call you Cordelia? Is that your name?' Well, no, it isn't, but it's a very beautiful name, isn't
it? I like to imagine my name is Cordelia, because my real
name is Anne Shirley - and that's not a very interesting
name, is it?"Marilla shook her head.Matthew was nearly sixty and had a
long brown beard.Well, you can stay here, just for tonight,' said Marilla.His sister was five years younger.They were both tall and thin, with dark hair.One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to
the station.'Has the five-thirty train arrived yet?'he
asked the station-master.One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to the station.The child was listening carefully.Suddenly she put her
head in her hands and began to cry.'The child has too much
imagination,' she thought.

النص الأصلي

Matthew Cuthbert lived with his sister Marilla on their
farm on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Their
farmhouse, Green Gables, was just outside the little
village of Avonlea. Matthew was nearly sixty and had a
long brown beard. His sister was five years younger.
They were both tall and thin, with dark hair. Everybody
in Avonlea knew that the Cuthberts were quiet people
who worked very hard on their farm.
One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to
the station. 'Has the five-thirty train arrived yet?' he
asked the station-master.
One afternoon Matthew drove the horse and cart to the station.

"Yes,' the man replied. 'And there's a passenger who's
waiting for you. A little girl.'
*A little girl?' asked Matthew. But I've come for a
boy! The children's home is sending us one of their
orphan boys. We're going to adopt him, you see, and
he's going to help me with the farm work.'
Well, perhaps the children's home didn't have any
boys, so they sent you a girl,' answered the station-
master carelessly. 'Here she is.
Matthew turned shyly to speak to the child. She was
about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits. Her face
was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she
had large grey-green eyes. She was wearing an old brown
hat and a dress which was too small for her.
'Are you Mr Cuthbert of Green Gables? she asked
excitedly in a high, sweet voice. 'I'm very happy to come
and live with you, and belong to you. I've never belonged
to anyone, you see. The people at the children's home
were very kind, but it's not very exciting to live in a place
like that, is it?'
Matthew felt sorry for the child. How could he tell her
that it was all a mistake? But he couldn't just leave her at
the station. He decided to take her home with him.
Marilla could explain the mistake to her.
He was surprised that he enjoyed the journey home.
He was a quiet, shy man, and he didn't like talking

They sent you a girl,' said the station-master.

himself. But today, he only had to listen, because the
little girl talked and talked and talked. She told him all
about herself while they drove along.
My parents died when I was a baby, you know, and
for the last three years I've had to work for my food. I've
lived with three different families and looked after their
children. So I've always been poor, and I haven't got any
nice dresses! But I just imagine that I'm wearing the most
beautiful blue dress, and a big hat with flowers on, and
blue shoes, and then I'm happy! Do you imagine things
Well, I…I….not often,' said Matthew.

'I just imagine that I'm wearing the most beautiful blue dress.

They were now driving past some very old apple trees
next to the road. The trees were full of sweet-smelling,
snowy-white flowers. The little girl looked at them.
*Aren't the trees beautiful?' she said happily. 'But amI
talking too much? Please tell me. I can stop if necessary,
you know.'
Matthew smiled at her. 'You go on talking,' he
answered. I like listening to you.
When they arrived at Green Gables, Marilla came to
the door to meet them. But when she saw the little girl,
she cried in surprise, 'Matthew, who's that? Where's the
*The children's home has made a mistake,' he said
unhappily, "and sent a girl, not a boy.
The child was listening carefully. Suddenly she put her
head in her hands and began to cry.
"You- you don't want me!' she sobbed. 'Oh-oh! You
don't want me because I'm not a boy!'
'Now, now, don't cry, said Marilla kindly.
Don't you understand? Oh! This is the worst thing
that's happened to me in all my life!'
*Well, you can stay here, just for tonight, said Marilla.
'Now, what's your name?'
The child stopped crying. "Will you please call me
Cordelia?' she asked.
*Call you Cordelia? Is that your name?'

Well, no, it isn't, but it's a very beautiful name, isn't
it? I like to imagine my name is Cordelia, because my real
name is Anne Shirley - and that's not a very interesting
name, is it?"
Marilla shook her head. 'The child has too much
imagination,' she thought.

Well, you can stay here, just for tonight,' said Marilla.
Later, when Anne was in bed, Marilla said to her
"She must go back to the children's home
*Marilla, don't you think.
.. began Matthew. "She's
a nice little thing, you know.

'Matthew Cuthbert, are you telling me that you want
to keep her?' asked Marilla crossly.
Matthew looked uncomfortable. "Well, she's clever,
and interesting, and-
'But we don't need a girl!'
*But perhaps she needs us,'
Matthew replied,
surprisingly quickly for him. "She's had a very unhappy
life up to now, Marilla. She can help you in the house. I
can get a boy from the village to help me on the farm.
What do you think?'
Marilla thought for a long time. "All right,' she said in
the end, 'I agree. The poor child can stay. I'll look after
Matthew smiled happily. 'Be as good and kind to her
as you can, Marilla. I think she needs a lot of love.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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