
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (56%)

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HOW CAN PEOPLE STAY HEALTHY?Fresh fruits and vegetables increase immunity and help the body to fight diseases.For example, eating oranges give vitamins to the body and eating fish gives proteins.For instance, water melon juice provides healthy skin and avocado juice is good for getting quick energy.Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking juices, doing exercise and going to gym helps people to maintain good health.people can eat fruits, vegetables and fish every day.Drinking fresh juice daily makes a person active and has many benefits.Health is very important and has many benefits for people.Healthy people can have a long life with good immunity.Firstly, people can stay healthy by eating healthy food.Secondly, people can stay healthy by doing exercise.Such as, people can do jogging to keep the heart healthy and do swimming to be fit.

النص الأصلي

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A healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Health is very important and has many benefits for people. Healthy people can have a long life with good immunity. Healthy people usually have strong body and good mind. Money cannot buy health so everyone has to be careful. There are many ways for people to stay healthy.
Firstly, people can stay healthy by eating healthy food. people can eat fruits, vegetables and fish every day. Fresh fruits and vegetables increase immunity and help the body to fight diseases. For example, eating oranges give vitamins to the body and eating fish gives proteins. Also, drinking a lot of fresh juice can increase energy in the body. Drinking fresh juice daily makes a person active and has many benefits. For instance, water melon juice provides healthy skin and avocado juice is good for getting quick energy.
Secondly, people can stay healthy by doing exercise. People can do some exercise daily to maintain good health. Such as, people can do jogging to keep the heart healthy and do swimming to be fit. Moreover, people can stay healthy by going to gym and following a nice routine. To explain, going to gym daily can help build muscles, be in shape and have a fit body.
All in all, these are some ways for people to stay healthy. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking juices, doing exercise and going to gym helps people to maintain good health. People
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should eat healthy food, follow a good routine to get a long life without diseases.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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