
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

The dust is still settling on the 2020 US presidential election it is clear this cycle was
one of significant breakthroughs for Democrats.He must perform important ceremonial rituals in order to establish symbolic legitimacy.In the end There is no practical alternative to ruling the political majority - that is,taking the approval of the majority as a whole business and bind each individual, it would be next to impossible to obtain the consent of each individual before acting collectively, no sane person could wish to form a society that he had to dissolve immediately because the majority It was unable to make the final decision, and
society was unable to act as one body .With historic voter turnout for recent times, Joe Biden's team secured a Democratic win in Georgia, something that
hadn't happened since 1992, and there was record turnout among young people and Black Americans.Before, during, and after Election Day, Trump and many Republicans attempted to
sabotage the election and upset the results, falsely claiming widespread voter fraud and attempting to influence the vote counting in swing states.When Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on October 2 and was hospitalised a day later it was widely assumed this would put a major crimp in his re-election campaign.A peaceful transition of power always tests the next president,but this time it promises to be fraught with danger In the remaining transition period, I think Biden needs to establish two types of legitimacy.There was no
evidence of fraud or irregularities in the elections, so Trump refused to compromise and falsely declared that he was the winner .In the event, the US president recovered quite quickly and returned to the campaign trail with gusto after a typically bullish photo-op as he arrived back at the White House .It must be shown to
the nation that it possesses the competence to plan management, in order to create
intrinsic legitimacy.As a researcher in the Presidency, I will say that The president-elect has walked a strong path .Campaign Joe Biden won the election, but whether or not he will win the transition
is another question.

النص الأصلي

The dust is still settling on the 2020 US presidential election it is clear this cycle was
one of significant breakthroughs for Democrats. With historic voter turnout for recent times, Joe Biden’s team secured a Democratic win in Georgia, something that
hadn’t happened since 1992, and there was record turnout among young people and Black Americans.
Before, during, and after Election Day, Trump and many Republicans attempted to
sabotage the election and upset the results, falsely claiming widespread voter fraud and attempting to influence the vote counting in swing states. There was no
evidence of fraud or irregularities in the elections, so Trump refused to compromise and falsely declared that he was the winner .
When Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on October 2 and was hospitalised a day later it was widely assumed this would put a major crimp in his re-election campaign. In the event, the US president recovered quite quickly and returned to the campaign trail with gusto after a typically bullish photo-op as he arrived back at the White House .
Campaign Joe Biden won the election, but whether or not he will win the transition
is another question. A peaceful transition of power always tests the next president,but this time it promises to be fraught with danger In the remaining transition period, I think Biden needs to establish two types of legitimacy. It must be shown to
the nation that it possesses the competence to plan management, in order to create
intrinsic legitimacy. He must perform important ceremonial rituals in order to establish symbolic legitimacy. As a researcher in the Presidency, I will say that The president-elect has walked a strong path .
In the end There is no practical alternative to ruling the political majority – that is,taking the approval of the majority as a whole business and bind each individual, it would be next to impossible to obtain the consent of each individual before acting collectively, no sane person could wish to form a society that he had to dissolve immediately because the majority It was unable to make the final decision, and
society was unable to act as one body .

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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