
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

(The Beginning was in France)
Poststructuralism designates a broad variety of critical perspectives and
procedures that in the 1970s displaced structuralism from its prominence as the
radically innovative way of dealing with language and other signifying systems.It refers to the
unstable environment that the colonized is forced to either adapt
to or work really hard to reject the colonizers' power.
It refers to the human psyche consists of unconscious and conscious
spheres, with most of its contents lodged out of sight in the unconscious
and covered over by a relatively smaller and less dense consciousness.
Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams (1899)
?Ronald Barthes "The Death of the Author" (1968) and S/Z (1970)
? Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
? According to Derrida, writing is more significant than reading because we
reach the core of meaning through writing.
Key Concepts:
Derrida's concepts:
? Logocentrism
? The text as the prison house of meaning, there is nothing outside the text
? Differance and deferment
? Signified and signifier
? Binary opposition
Roland Barthes' concepts:
? Death of the author: As soon as the author starts writing he is dead
because when he writes he has no control over the text, rather, it depends
on the interpretation of readers. Text is fabric of quotations from
thousands of cultural sources. Author uses language to put text in infinite
meanings and allows the reader to interpret it.
? Readerly Text (lisible): a text that turns the reader into a consumer. ? Writerly Text (scriptible): a text that encourages the reader to produce the
meaning. Michel Foucault's concept:
? Panopticism: the modern function of disciplinary punishment.
Feminist theory is part of the broader feminist political movement that
seeks to rectify sexist discrimination and inequalities. It refers to the
fact that women have a literature of their own, possessing its own
images, themes, characters, forms; styles, and canons. The oppression of women is a historical fact and literary texts mirror
gender and social attitudes about gender.
? A feminist: a person who advocates equal rights for women
? Misogyny: see the book
? Misandry: see the book
? Patriarchy: see the book
? Androcentrism: see the book
? Ecriture feminine: women writing. It promotes women's
experience and feelings to the point that it strengthens the work. Furthermore, "it places experience before language, and privileges
the anti-linear, cyclical writing so often frowned upon by
patriarchal society."Cixous
The four waves: see only the focus mentioned in the book
Julia Kristeva
Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection (1980)
Abjection: the rejection of male-mainstream
Elaine Showalter
She developed the concept of gynocritcism, which focuses on women
as writers.
Showalter divides her female model in to two types:
1.The symbolic order: see the book
Shoshana Felman
The Juridical Unconscious: Trials and Traumas in the Twentieth Century
Re-traumatization: it is the drama of unintentional re-traumatization,triggered by a legal repetition of the trauma that it puts on trial.
Feminist theory is part of the broader feminist political movement that
seeks to rectify sexist discrimination and inequalities.Deconstruction, as applied in the study of literature, designates a theory
and practice of reading which questions and claims to "subvert" or
"undermine" the assumption that the system of language provides
grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or
unity, and the determinate meanings of a literary text.
Notable theorists and their works:
?Broadly speaking, it aims to describe the
mechanisms of colonial power, to recover excluded or marginalized
"subaltern" voices, and to theorize the complexities of colonial and
postcolonial identity, national belonging, and globalization.
Key theorists and Concepts
Edward W. Said: Culture and Imperialism (1993) and Orientalism (1978)
Said begins Orientalism (1978) by explaining how Orientalism is defined
within three different contexts.Ambivalence: the colonized people perceive the oppressors as
rude, negative and exploitive, but it is advanced.??

النص الأصلي

(The Beginning was in France)
Poststructuralism designates a broad variety of critical perspectives and
procedures that in the 1970s displaced structuralism from its prominence as the
radically innovative way of dealing with language and other signifying systems.
Influenced by:
● Jacques Derrida
● Ronald Barthes
● Michel Foucault
● Deconstruction, as applied in the study of literature, designates a theory
and practice of reading which questions and claims to “subvert” or
“undermine” the assumption that the system of language provides
grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or
unity, and the determinate meanings of a literary text.
Notable theorists and their works:
● Jacques Derrida: Of Grammatology (1967), Writing and Difference
(1967), and Aporias (1993)
● Ronald Barthes “The Death of the Author” (1968) and S/Z (1970)
● Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
● According to Derrida, writing is more significant than reading because we
reach the core of meaning through writing.
Key Concepts:
Derrida’s concepts:
● Logocentrism
● The text as the prison house of meaning, there is nothing outside the text
● Différance and deferment
● Signified and signifier
● Binary opposition
Roland Barthes’ concepts:
● Death of the author: As soon as the author starts writing he is dead
because when he writes he has no control over the text, rather, it depends
on the interpretation of readers. Text is fabric of quotations from
thousands of cultural sources. Author uses language to put text in infinite
meanings and allows the reader to interpret it.
● Readerly Text (lisible): a text that turns the reader into a consumer. It is a
“closed” text with a limited meaning, such as a realistic novel.
● Writerly Text (scriptible): a text that encourages the reader to produce the
Michel Foucault’s concept:
● Panopticism: the modern function of disciplinary punishment.
Feminist theory is part of the broader feminist political movement that
seeks to rectify sexist discrimination and inequalities. It refers to the
fact that women have a literature of their own, possessing its own
images, themes, characters, forms; styles, and canons.
The oppression of women is a historical fact and literary texts mirror
gender and social attitudes about gender.
● A feminist: a person who advocates equal rights for women
● Misogyny: see the book
● Misandry: see the book
● Patriarchy: see the book
● Androcentrism: see the book
● Ecriture feminine: women writing. It promotes women’s
experience and feelings to the point that it strengthens the work.
Furthermore, “it places experience before language, and privileges
the anti-linear, cyclical writing so often frowned upon by
patriarchal society.”Cixous
The four waves: see only the focus mentioned in the book
Julia Kristeva
Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection (1980)
Abjection: the rejection of male-mainstream
Elaine Showalter
She developed the concept of gynocritcism, which focuses on women
as writers.
Showalter divides her female model in to two types:

  1. Feminist critique exposing woman as a reader

  2. Gynocritics presenting women as a writer
    A Literature of their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to
    Lessing (1977). This book is divided into four models
    ● The biological model: see the book
    ● The linguistic model: see the book
    ● The psychoanalytic model: see the book
    ● The cultural model: see the book
    Luce Irigaray
    Thinking the Difference (1994)
    ● Mimicry – women imitate men in order to be equal
    ● Masquerade – women as desires / or object of desires for sexual
    enjoyment, but women don’t enjoy.
    Postcolonial studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the global
    impact of European colonialism, from its beginnings in the fifteenth
    century up to the present. Broadly speaking, it aims to describe the
    mechanisms of colonial power, to recover excluded or marginalized
    “subaltern” voices, and to theorize the complexities of colonial and
    postcolonial identity, national belonging, and globalization.
    Key theorists and Concepts
    Edward W. Said: Culture and Imperialism (1993) and Orientalism (1978)
    Said begins Orientalism (1978) by explaining how Orientalism is defined
    within three different contexts. Academically, the term refers to the act
    of studying or otherwise engaging with the Orient. In a more informal context, Orientalism is a way of thinking about the Orient when
    contrasted with the Occident—the West. Finally, Said describes how
    historically, Orientalism is a specifically "Western style for dominating,
    restructuring, and having authority over the Orient."
    Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Masks (1952), The Wretched of the
    Earth (1961)
    ● The concept of deracinate means “to uproot or obliterate” i.e.,
    ● The concept of negritude is the ethnical distinctiveness of the
    African personality.
    ● The decolonization process includes different postcolonial terms,
    such as the restoration of nationhood, national liberation and the
    national resistance movements.
    Homi Bhabha: Nation and Narration (1990) and The Location of Culture
    ● Hybridity: the combination of two or more identities within one
    ● Mimicry: Mimicry refers to adopting and adapting or even
    copying. It is exaggeration copying of language, culture, manners,
    and ideas.
    ● Ambivalence: the colonized people perceive the oppressors as
    rude, negative and exploitive, but it is advanced. The oppressors
    perceive she colonized people as backwarded, weak and fragile
    but they are the native of the colonized lands. It refers to the
    unstable environment that the colonized is forced to either adapt
    to or work really hard to reject the colonizers’ power.
    It refers to the human psyche consists of unconscious and conscious
    spheres, with most of its contents lodged out of sight in the unconscious
    and covered over by a relatively smaller and less dense consciousness.
    Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams (1899)
    ● ID: sexual desires, pleasure principle
    ● Ego: reality principle
    ● Super ego: morality principle, the conscience
    Freudian slips (parapraxis):

  3. Slip of the tongue

  4. Slip of the pen

  5. Slip of the ear
    ● Trauma: a wound inflicted not upon the body but upon the mind
    ● Bulimia: overconsumption of food
    ● Agoraphobia: a fear of being in open or public places
    ● Anorexia: mental illness caused by stopping eating
    ● Claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces
    Thanatos: it refers to death wish
    Eros: refers to survival, pleasure, and reproduction
    Defense mechanisms
    ● Repression: see the book
    ● Projection: see the book
    ● Displacement: see the book
    Jacques Lacan: The Seminar, Book I. Freud’s Papers on Technique
    The conscious mind is structured like a language
    ● The real order: see the book
    ● The imaginary order: see the book
    ● The symbolic order: see the book
    Shoshana Felman
    The Juridical Unconscious: Trials and Traumas in the Twentieth Century
    Re-traumatization: it is the drama of unintentional re-traumatization,triggered by a legal repetition of the trauma that it puts on trial.
    Feminist theory is part of the broader feminist political movement that
    seeks to rectify sexist discrimination and inequalities. It refers to the
    fact that women have a literature of their own, possessing its own
    images, themes, characters, forms; styles, and canons. Misogyny: see
    the book
    ● Misandry: see the book
    ● Patriarchy: see the book
    ● Androcentrism: see the book
    ● A feminist: a person who advocates equal rights for women
    The four waves: see only the focus mentioned in the book
    Julia Kristeva
    Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection (1980)
    Abjection: the rejection of male-mainstream
    Elaine Showalter
    She developed the concept of gynocritcism, which focuses on women
    as writers.
    Showalter divides her female model in to two types:

  6. Feminist critique exposing woman as a reader

  7. Gynocritics presenting women as a writer
    A Literature of their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to
    Lessing (1977). This book is divided into four models
    ● The biological model: see the book
    ● The linguistic model: see the book
    ● The psychoanalytic model: see the book
    ● The cultural model: see the book
    Luce Irigaray
    Thinking the Difference (1994)
    ● Mimicry – women imitate men in order to be equal
    ● Masquerade – women as desires / or object of desires for sexual
    enjoyment, but women don’t enjoy.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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