
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

over time the favorable geography of western Europe attracted different peoples into the region.Next, he took over several of the Germanic Kingdom.One major exception was is Iberia (most of today's Spain, Portugal, and Southern France), where a Muslim dynasty established a strong state in the 700s.the Huns and Germanic tribes began to migrate into the roman empire by around 300 some such as the Lombards settled in Europe's river valleys.During this period, the cities and vast trade networks of the Romans empire largely vanished.His most important victory was the battle of Tours in 732, when he led Frankish warriors to defeat a Muslim army from Spain.The Rise of the Franks In 486, the Frankish leader Clovis I defeated the last Roman army in Western Europe.These tribes divided Europe into a collection of small, warring Kingdom.

النص الأصلي

over time the favorable geography of western Europe attracted different peoples into the region. the Huns and Germanic tribes began to migrate into the roman empire by around 300 some such as the Lombards settled in Europe's river valleys. Others, such as the Angles, Saxsons, and jutes, moved across the North sea to the British Isles. These tribes divided Europe into a collection of small, warring Kingdom.
Unlike Rome, these small Kingdom lacked a strong central authority. Most power was in hands, not of monarchs, but of local leaders and landholders. One major exception was is Iberia (most of today's Spain, Portugal, and Southern France), where a Muslim dynasty established a strong state in the 700s.
During this period, the cities and vast trade networks of the Romans empire largely vanished. Trade slowed to a trickle.
The Rise of the Franks In 486, the Frankish leader Clovis I defeated the last Roman army in Western Europe. Next, he took over several of the Germanic Kingdom. By the early 530s, the Franks controlled much of the land in Gaul (present-day France) and Germany. Although the Franks grew rich from their conquests, their central government did not last long. Eventually, the Frankish lands broke into smaller local Kingdoms.
Charles Martel Takes Power In 717, a leader named Charles Martel or Charles the hammer united the Frankish lands under his rule. His most important victory was the battle of Tours in 732, when he led Frankish warriors to defeat a Muslim army from Spain. The battle of Tours ended one of the last Muslim military invasions of Western Europe. Muslim troops did not advance any farther into Western Europe, although they did rule most of what is now Spain.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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