
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The study is carried out with a population of 50 individuals where the focus is carried out on the accessibility of E-learning.Descriptive statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the dataset's characteristics, highlighting trends and variability within variables.It has been observed that it depicts two slices whose labels are "Male" and "Female". The evidence supports the fact that the females (41) outnumber the males (9) in the survey. This pie chart only represents two genders, and it is not inclusive of other gender identities. Age distribution is showed by it. The first, and the largest, slice colored blue is formed by the residents who are between 20 and 25 years old (48%). The chart provides an image of the students' enrollment pattern by education level. The largest portion takes orange color and refers to people who have Bachelors level. A Smallest portion of slices shows the percentage of people who have master level of education. Pie graph is spreading into two parts. The wider orange slice, indicated "Yes", equates to 44% of the responses.The larger pie under this category (44%) is the spenders who spend a considerable amount of time on the internet ("Strongly Agree"). These chunks (29% and 19%) demonstrate the number of people who consider themselves advocates or are undecided about their internet usage. Slackening slices (6% and 2%) show that those who disagree and strongly disagree make up this percentage. Basically, there is a visibility of a general pattern of an internet use. The radio of the pie chart "I often interact with the internet" illustrates a survey about online use.The blue thinner circle that reads "No" comprises 4% of the total responses. This indicates that there must be a high percentage of users with a previous experience using e- learning services more as compared to those who have never used them before. The pie chart illustrates the results of a poll about how e-learning helps learners to comprehend concepts. The largest sat of the pie, that is, "Strongly Agree" (14%), says that the biggest group of respondents thought that e-learning helped them to acquire more knowledge.The largest chunk which is labeled "Strongly Agree" (17%) is the most common response, revealing quite a substantial percentage of the people considers e-learning systems easy to operate. The next slices (16% Agree, 13% Neutral, 2% Disagree) reflect the decreasing trend of agreement by the intensity. Smallest slice is 0% (Strongly Disagree) of those people who find e-learning system is hard used. There is a pie chart titled "Doing what I need with e-learning system is not a problem for me".The rest of slices such as "Neutral" (6%), "Disagree" (0%), and "Strongly Disagree" (0%) indicate an overall decline in agreement. Overall, the chart indicates that Blackboard use is a matter of positive attitude, as over 40% of participants are users. Pie chart with a title "I communicate using my Blackboard" shows the usage pattern of academic instructors with Blackboard for communication.However, regression analysis suggests that while academic performance has a slight positive impact on e-learning service usage, internet experience and ease of use do not significantly influence it. ANOVA results indicate no significant differences among group averages, suggesting that observed variations could be due to random factors.The subsequent section, named "Neutral" (16%), "Disagree" (0%) and "Strongly Disagree" (0%) demonstrates a decreasing support trend. Overall, pie chart reveals positive attitude towards the ease of use of the e-learning system, with a considerable number of users (32%) rating it as the very easy to use. 17

The pie chart with a title "I regularly use Blackboard" indicates how many times people use Blackboard.The "Disagree" and "Strongly Disagree" slices that were very small corresponding to 0% and 1% respectively showed that very few participants disagreed with the effectiveness of e- learning. The pie chart entitled as "The integration of e-learning has made my experience of learning overall richer" is based on students' perspectives regarding e-learning.The largest sector which is of the Neutral variety (15%) represents the most common response indicating, some instructors are still relatively neutral about the use of Blackboard in communication.The pie chart depicts where the participants get information from the e-learning system.

النص الأصلي

The study is carried out with a population of 50 individuals where the focus is carried out on the accessibility of E-learning. It has been observed that it depicts two slices whose labels are "Male" and "Female". The evidence supports the fact that the females (41) outnumber the males (9) in the survey. This pie chart only represents two genders, and it is not inclusive of other gender identities. Age distribution is showed by it. The first, and the largest, slice colored blue is formed by the residents who are between 20 and 25 years old (48%).
The chart provides an image of the students' enrollment pattern by education level. The largest portion takes orange color and refers to people who have Bachelors level. A Smallest portion of slices shows the percentage of people who have master level of education. Pie graph is spreading into two parts. The wider orange slice, indicated "Yes", equates to 44% of the responses. The blue thinner circle that reads "No" comprises 4% of the total responses. This indicates that there must be a high percentage of users with a previous experience using e- learning services more as compared to those who have never used them before.
The pie chart illustrates the results of a poll about how e-learning helps learners to comprehend concepts. The largest sat of the pie, that is, "Strongly Agree" (14%), says that the biggest group of respondents thought that e-learning helped them to acquire more knowledge. "Agree" (23%) and "Neutral" (10%) are the next slices to follow showing that overall e-learning is positively accepted. The "Disagree" and "Strongly Disagree" slices that were very small corresponding to 0% and 1% respectively showed that very few participants disagreed with the effectiveness of e- learning. The pie chart entitled as "The integration of e-learning has made my experience of learning overall richer" is based on students' perspectives regarding e-learning. The large part, labeled "Agree" (19 students), is the most common response. My pie chart has slices for the "Strongly Agree" (10 students), "Neutral" (14 students), "Disagree" (4 students), and "Strongly Disagree"(1 student), indicating a spectrum of opinions about the usefulness of e-learning. The totality of the votes shows that e-learning is better than traditional learning (29 to 5).
The circle diagram that represents how people use the internet. The larger pie under this category (44%) is the spenders who spend a considerable amount of time on the internet ("Strongly Agree"). These chunks (29% and 19%) demonstrate the number of people who consider themselves advocates or are undecided about their internet usage. Slackening slices (6% and 2%) show that those who disagree and strongly disagree make up this percentage. Basically, there is a visibility of a general pattern of an internet use. The radio of the pie chart "I often interact with the internet" illustrates a survey about online use. The biggest part, which is tagged as "Strongly Agree"(19%), shows the highest number among the responses. Stripes for "Agree" (13%) and "Neutral" (12%) go together, stripes for "Disagree" (3%) and "Strongly Disagree" (1%) too are found. This shows the growing diversity of responses.
Users of the internet duration represented by the bar chart obtained from the survey. The last two the biggest slabs, "Less than 6 months - 20%" and "1-2 years - 17%," represent the most popular responses. Finally, the "About 3 - 4 years" (13%), "About 5 - 6 years" (9%), "More than 6 years" (21%) slice indicates a trend of reduced response frequency as the internet usage duration increases. Based on the visual evidence, it can be inferred that there has been a recent boom among new internet users. The data doesn't give specific timeframe but it seems around 30 percent of surveyed people got internet connection less than two years ago. The pie chart depicts where the participants get information from the e-learning system. The largest chunk which is labeled "Strongly Agree" (17%) is the most common response, revealing quite a substantial percentage of the people considers e-learning systems easy to operate. The next slices (16% Agree, 13% Neutral, 2% Disagree) reflect the decreasing trend of agreement by the intensity. Smallest slice is 0% (Strongly Disagree) of those people who find e-learning system is hard used.
There is a pie chart titled "Doing what I need with e-learning system is not a problem for me". The chart shows that users are happy with the e-learning system. Of all the boxes, the one with "Strongly Agree" (15 people) on the label is the most frequent response, suggesting that many users find it simple to operate. The next parts (20 Agree, 8 Neutral, 5 Disagree, 0 Strongly Disagree) show that the numbers of the people who agree is declining. To sum up, more students agree (35%) than do not (5%) that the e-learning platform satisfies their requirements. The pie chart called "the way I use the e-learning system is clear and easy to understand" is to show users' opinion on clarity and ease of use. A large part of the pie is titled "Agree" (21 users), which captures the most frequent response. Slices of the pie chart are "Strongly Agree" (13 users), "Neutral" (13 users), "Disagree" (1 user), and "Strongly Disagree" (0 users) which means that the majority of the users had a positive experience of the e-learning system transparency and understandability.
A pie chart titled “Skills Needed to use the E-learning System” shows that about 71 percent of the skills needed to use the e-learning system is easy to pick-up. The last chunks of the graph (14% Somewhat Difficult, 9% Difficult, and 6% Very Difficult) continue with the declining trend of how easy it is to get the required skills. The pie chart identified as "I find using the e-learning system to be simple" gives the user's opinion on how simple the e-learning system is. The two most prominent pieces are "Strongly Agree" (14%) and "Agree" (18%), these two together cover 32% of the surveyed people who find this system very easy to use. The subsequent section, named "Neutral" (16%), "Disagree" (0%) and "Strongly Disagree" (0%) demonstrates a decreasing support trend. Overall, pie chart reveals positive attitude towards the ease of use of the e-learning system, with a considerable number of users (32%) rating it as the very easy to use.

The pie chart with a title "I regularly use Blackboard" indicates how many times people use Blackboard. The biggest one, that is "Strongly Disagree" (31%), shows that the majority of the surveyed students disagree with the statement that they often or sometimes use Blackboard. The next pie chart displays the percentages of "Disagree" (24%), "Neutral" (7%), "Agree" (14%), and "Strongly Agree" (24%) of the remaining available options. The bar graph entitled "I study using Blackboard" demonstrates students' reported usage of Blackboard. The biggest pie, marked "Agree" (18%), and the second largest one, marked "Strongly Agree" (24%), make up 42% of respondents who agreed to use Blackboard. The rest of slices such as "Neutral" (6%), "Disagree" (0%), and "Strongly Disagree" (0%) indicate an overall decline in agreement. Overall, the chart indicates that Blackboard use is a matter of positive attitude, as over 40% of participants are users. Pie chart with a title "I communicate using my Blackboard" shows the usage pattern of academic instructors with Blackboard for communication. The largest sector which is of the Neutral variety (15%) represents the most common response indicating, some instructors are still relatively neutral about the use of Blackboard in communication. The bars (14% Strongly Agree, 9% Agree, 7% Disagree, 3% Strongly Disagree) presented a different view of the range of opinions.
The data analysis encompasses several key statistical techniques to understand the dynamics of e-learning service usage and its correlates. The reliability analysis indicates strong internal consistency among the factors studied, meeting the criterion for reliability. Correlation analysis reveals moderate positive relationships between academic performance, internet experience, ease of use, and e-learning service usage, shedding light on their interplay. However, regression analysis suggests that while academic performance has a slight positive impact on e-learning service usage, internet experience and ease of use do not significantly influence it. ANOVA results indicate no significant differences among group averages, suggesting that observed variations could be due to random factors. The hypothesis testing finds no significant impact of education level on e-learning service usage responses. Descriptive statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the dataset's characteristics, highlighting trends and variability within variables. Overall, these analyses offer valuable insights into the factors influencing e- learning service usage, guiding further research and strategic interventions in education.

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