
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (12%)

In the context of the global Covid-19 pandemic and the quarantine, there were several impacts on different sectors, one of the critical sectors is Telecommunication (telecom) As an inevitable consequence of Covid-19, a lot of people used the telecom service for working from their homes or for entertainment.Which constituted a burden on the telecom companies to increase network flexibility and this affected the telecom investments Several reports were issued to address the impact of Covid-19 on telecommunication
As indicated by the Communications and Information Technology Commission's Meqyas Quarterly Report for Internet Speeds and Digital Content Access Speed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, stc is at the top of the list when it comes to the spread of 5G organisations in Saudi Arabia, with its networks having been extended to 43 new governorates in the kingdom.

النص الأصلي

In the context of the global Covid-19 pandemic and the quarantine, there were several impacts on different sectors, one of the critical sectors is Telecommunication (telecom) As an inevitable consequence of Covid-19, a lot of people used the telecom service for working from their homes or for entertainment. Which constituted a burden on the telecom companies to increase network flexibility and this affected the telecom investments Several reports were issued to address the impact of Covid-19 on telecommunication
As indicated by the Communications and Information Technology Commission's Meqyas Quarterly Report for Internet Speeds and Digital Content Access Speed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, stc is at the top of the list when it comes to the spread of 5G organisations in Saudi Arabia, with its networks having been extended to 43 new governorates in the kingdom. STC will share success tales from its journey throughout the year at Mobile World Congress, which will take place at different periods. A few of its successes in the development and trades sector, as measured by the super overall markers will be discussed throughout its assistance. These have been done despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 disease, which continues to wreak havoc on all countries across the world. According to a request conveyed by Forbes magazine, STC maintains its position as the most established telecom association in the Middle East and North Africa, with a market worth of USD 64.3 billion for the continuous year, representing a 377 percent increase over the previous year. STC also maintains its position as the first spot on the rundown of the best telecom associations nearby. In another setting, stc was recognized one of the world's top 44 high-level initiatives, which is an honour. It also brought back seven credentials from a general report that had been completed in the course of researching compact association experiences, which had been granted to it. Covid, a cunning Covid who appeared around the beginning of the year 2020, raced at breakneck speed around the globe. The World Health Organization classified it as a 'Pandemic' on March 11, 2020, the day before it was supposed to begin its work (WHO). The sickness initially originated in China, and it is now widely regarded as one of the most reliable predictors of overall prosperity (Wang et al., 2020). Since its inception, in a very short amount of time, by January 2020, the fatal sickness had spread to 147 nations and affected an enormous number of people, claiming the lives of an untold number of people, and even putting 7800 people's lives at risk by halting their presence (Gostin, et al., 2020). The sickness that has the potential to be fatal (Al Doghan, M. A., 2020).
Since then, people have been feeling increased levels of pressure, tension, fear, and dissatisfaction. It's been a while since I've seen you. It has been shown that pandemics have a profound impact on people's lives. This Covid-19 epidemic has a direct and negative impact on our life. In both her professional and personal lives, she has an excellent quality of life. Saudi Arabia is the world's fastest-growing economy and the nation with the longest distances between cities. The Middle East is a massive market for telecommunications companies and related products. Nowadays, the vast majority of people (Al Doghan, M. A., 2020), In recognition of the growing importance of this business, academics are increasingly choosing it as the topic of their evaluation of a circle of activity (Halif, et.al, 2020). Telekom providers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have begun planning for the most effective approach to take use of accessible entryways to their fullest extent potential (Alsuhaibani, 2012). The three massive media exchange organisations that are being formed. It implies a great deal to invest heavily in the development and association systems in order to provide the most appropriate types of assistance. They are concentrating in on the most important parts of the organisation as part of their methodology, thereby increasing the requirement for information and trades advancement objectives to keep up with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Initiatives that are interfacing with digitalization and other emerging technologies. 'The Kingdom' is a meeting with the purpose of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven. According to the Saudi Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia is attempting to build its economy while maintaining a sense of unity; thus, guessing that the more visible the commitment, the more credible the assumption. The bigger the compensation received from large business plan affiliations, the greater the prominence of the net revenue of the various telecom company affiliations (Arora, R., 2017).
STC "DARE more than 25 relationships with major general information technology organisations, including Ericsson, in October of this current year. Cisco, Nokia, and Huawei are three of the most important international development organisations on the planet. Mobily and Ericsson have also collaborated in the recent past, in January 2020, to support yet another initiative. Increase the number of Internet of Things (IoT) plans that are available, as well as the speed with which outstanding organisations are supplied. Working from home causes stress, which leads to a variety of issues such as anxiety toward the dark, depressed workplace correspondence, a lack of velour vision and far-sightedness, and a deferral of important projects. These issues all contribute to the waste of valuable resources in large scale projects, which ultimately results in the improvement of large scale projects (Elliott, M. 2002). If actual safeguards are not implemented, the result may be that employees recover from a variety of psychosomatic disorders as a result of their work environment, which could be prolonged owing to the pressure of the season. In order to solve this, it should be seen as a top priority by all parties involved, including diverse associations and other organisations (Rains, et.al, 2021).
The purpose for this assessment is that it will serve as the basis for a comprehensive evaluation of the commercial and governmental sectors of the Saudi telecom industry. According to pressure, the advanced area the specialist has made a careful examination in order to determine the severity of the problem. Arafa and colleagues (2001) emphasized the importance of vision in the dispatch of human resource approaches to lessen strain during the pandemic (Arora, R., 2017).
This peer-reviewed magazine is a companion to the International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change, and it communicates unique evaluation on focuses such as creative mind, progress, and change. The findings of the inquiry stand in contrast to present human resource procedures, and the recommendations offered are beneficial in that they should speed up the pace of such cycles in any situation where speed is critical (Papagiannidis, Harris, and Morton, 2007). As shown by the inquiry, there is an inborn relationship between depressed staff methods to behaving and poor appearance on the board of directors, with a consequent decrease in job production and a greater risk of closing down during the pandemic. As a result, the purpose of this evaluation is to determine the influence of numerous components on a certain outcome, such as workplace-related strain and how it impacts employees' performance in the telecom industry of the United States. Saudi Arabia is a nation in the Middle East that has a population of over 100 million people (Alhuzimi, 2021).

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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