
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (34%)

the promotion of women's rights is often disscursed as a moral imperative.If there is one thought I can impress upon you today, it ix the absolute imperative of guls' education While there is clearly no silver bullet for poverty reduction, many would argue that educating girls is the rocket booster of development.experience significantly lower child mortality, generate more income and are far more likely to educate their children than women with little or no schooling, creating a virtuous eyele for the community and the country.The outcome is not trivial-for example, increases in female income improve child survival rates 20 times more than increases in male income.In this article.

النص الأصلي

the promotion of women's rights is often disscursed as a moral imperative. In this article. I would like to focus today on the compeling economic argiten distansed as a moral in this. The research is ungal HIV found solit to improve health, butution or for giving women a greater rolety.lity, stem the spread of Huly Build robust and self-sustaining only once ferility or child mot demacy, and ultimately temper extremism, successful efforts must target women

Economists increasingly recognize that nothing is more central to development than the economic, political and social participation and leadership of women. This is particularly true in societies, where women often make up the majority of the population and have primary responsibility for raising the next generation. A broad set of data now show that raising female education. increasing their control over resources, and lifting their political voice can have a profound impact on development ப

If there is one thought I can impress upon you today, it ix the absolute imperative of guls' education While there is clearly no silver bullet for poverty reduction, many would argue that educating girls is the rocket booster of development. Educated women have fewer children, provide better nutrition and health for their families. experience significantly lower child mortality, generate more income and are far more likely to educate their children than women with little or no schooling, creating a virtuous eyele for the community and the country.

Giving women mare control over resources is also important. Simply put, women tend to invest more in the family than men. When women control income, more is devoted to education, health and nutrition-related expenditures, and less is spent ton alcohol and ecigarettes. The outcome is not trivial-for example, increases in female income improve child survival rates 20 times more than increases in male income. There is, not surprisingly, also evidence that women in positions of political leadership raake different policy choices than men. This has broad and potentially profound implications for the way that resources are allocated at the local-level, and therefore for development

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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