
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (38%)

Petunia plants are characterized by a short life
cycle, color diversity, compact plant size, and
relatively easy growth.The findings of
this study will help to increase floral longevity of
petunia as well as other potted flowering plants
which will create a significant value to further
develop the floriculture industry.Besides
that, the petunia flower has short longevity and
floral longevity has received very little attention
from ornamental plant breeders.It has been reported that
the optimum amount of nutrient and environmental
factors affect the plant growth, development and
flowering of petunia (Zhanga et al 2012)
Petunia seedlings are commonly produced in
the greenhouse in mixtures of commercial soilless
bedding plant growth media, and sometimes the
growth and flower production of petunia plants
is low due to unsuitable growing media.It has been reported that flowering capacity of
petunia plants can be influenced by breeding and
cultivation technologies (Nishijima et al 2006).

النص الأصلي

Petunia plants are characterized by a short life
cycle, color diversity, compact plant size, and
relatively easy growth. Petunias are perennials in
warm climates and used in building decoration,
private garden and landscape, pharmaceutical
and cosmetic industries, and phytoremediation.
It has been reported that flowering capacity of
petunia plants can be influenced by breeding and
cultivation technologies (Nishijima et al 2006).
Growth regulators and substrates influence the plant
growth, flowering potential and longevity of potted
flowering plant (Khandaker et al 2010). Nowadays,
a very important aspect in the production of potted
flowering plants is the controlled and induced
vegetative and floral growth by horticultural
practices.The Effects of Different Growing Media on Growth, Flowering and Quality of Petunia grandiflora, Khandaker et al
374 Ta r ı m B i l i m l e r i D e r g i s i – J o u r n a l o f A g r i c u l t u r a l S c i e n c e s 25 (2019) 373-383
Growth medium are known to have been
effective in value adding of potted ornamental
plant, and should have a best characteristics such
as proper aeration, water holding capacity and
adequate nutrient supply (Khobragade et al 1997).
Besides that, growth medium plays an important
role in physiological parameters such as plant
height, number of leaves, number and diameter of
florets per spike, and yield. It has been reported that
the optimum amount of nutrient and environmental
factors affect the plant growth, development and
flowering of petunia (Zhanga et al 2012)
Petunia seedlings are commonly produced in
the greenhouse in mixtures of commercial soilless
bedding plant growth media, and sometimes the
growth and flower production of petunia plants
is low due to unsuitable growing media. In this
study, several types of growing media were used as
growing components of petunia to select the best
adequate growing medium for managing ornamental
potted plants. Currently, there is little information
available on the effect of growing media on growth,
flowering and longevity of petunia flowers. Besides
that, the petunia flower has short longevity and
floral longevity has received very little attention
from ornamental plant breeders. Moreover, no
information is available in the literature about the
longevity of the petunia flowers. The findings of
this study will help to increase floral longevity of
petunia as well as other potted flowering plants
which will create a significant value to further
develop the floriculture industry. It is proposed that
different growing media can enhance the growth,
development and quality of petunia flowers under
green house condition.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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