
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (53%)

Tourette syndrome is a spectrum disorder with severity ranging from mild to severe, but the majority of cases are mild and do not need treatment, in these cases, the effect of symptoms on the individual may be so mild that observers may not know about their condition.The severity of tics early in life does not predict severity in later life, and the overall course of the disease is good, although there are no reliable means of predicting the outcome of a specific individual.The general prognosis is positive, but there is a minority of children with Tourette's syndrome who have severe symptoms that persist into adulthood.A study of 46 19-year-olds found that 80% of their symptoms had a minimal impact on their overall function, and that another 20% experienced at least a moderate effect on their overall performance.

النص الأصلي

Tourette syndrome is a spectrum disorder with severity ranging from mild to severe, but the majority of cases are mild and do not need treatment, in these cases, the effect of symptoms on the individual may be so mild that observers may not know about their condition. The general prognosis is positive, but there is a minority of children with Tourette's syndrome who have severe symptoms that persist into adulthood. A study of 46 19-year-olds found that 80% of their symptoms had a minimal impact on their overall function, and that another 20% experienced at least a moderate effect on their overall performance. And the rare minority of severe cases can prevent individuals from obtaining a job or having a full social life. In a follow-up study of thirty-one adults with Tourette, all patients completed high school, 52% had completed at least two years of college, and 71% were full-time or were pursuing higher education.

Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, which may last a lifetime or be chronic for some, the condition is not degenerative or life-threatening. Intelligence is normal in those with TS even though there are learning disabilities. The severity of tics early in life does not predict severity in later life, and the overall course of the disease is good, although there are no reliable means of predicting the outcome of a specific individual. Did not identify the gene or genes associated with Ptorat, and there is no "cure" possible, also reported a high rate of migraine and sleep disorders in patients with Tourette 's general population.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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