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نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Edgar Allan poe's image is not just instantly recognizable ot is perfectly suited to his reputationn.From the prisoner strapped under a descending pendulum blade to Raven refuses to leave the narrator's chamber pose Macabre and Innovative stories of Gothic horrorwhat is it that makes Edgar Allan Poe one of the greatest American Authors after all horror was a popular genre of the period With many practitioners Yet poe stood out thanks to his careful attention to form and style as a literary critic,he identified two cardinal rules for the short story form:firstly,it must be short enough to read in one sitting secondly,every word was contribute to its purpose by mastering these rules Pokemon savita's attention underworld phone with intense and singular experience What poe called he unity of effect.

النص الأصلي

Edgar Allan poe's image is not just instantly recognizable ot is perfectly suited to his reputationn.From the prisoner strapped under a descending pendulum blade to Raven refuses to leave the narrator's chamber pose Macabre and Innovative stories of Gothic horrorwhat is it that makes Edgar Allan Poe one of the greatest American Authors after all horror was a popular genre of the period With many practitioners Yet poe stood out thanks to his careful attention to form and style as a literary critic,he identified two cardinal rules for the short story form:firstly,it must be short enough to read in one sitting secondly,every word was contribute to its purpose by mastering these rules Pokemon savita's attention underworld phone with intense and singular experience What poe called he unity of effect. Though often frightening, this effect goes far beyond fear .Poe's stories she was violence and horror up to explore the Paradox is the mysteries of Love grief and guilt are resisting simple interpretations or clear all messages and while they often hinted Supernatural elements the true darkness they explore is the human mind.and its propensity self-destruction .in the tell tale heart a Gatsby murder is juxtaposed with the killer's tender empathy towards the victim a connection that soon returns to haunt him The title the character of Ligeia returns from the dead through the corpse of her husband's second wife or at least the Opium addictive narrator think she does and when the protagonist of William Wilson answer man he believes has been following him he might just be staring at his own image in a mirror true his pioneering use of unreliable narrators o x readers into active participant you must decide when a Storyteller might be misinterpreting or even lying about the events relating Lucius best known for his short horror stories who was actually one of the most versatile and experimental writers of the 19th century invented the detective story as we know it with the murders in the Rue Morgu followed by by the mystery of Natalie Rogec and the purloined letter.Alexa feature of the original armchair detective C Auguste dupin uses his genius and unusual powers of observation and deduction to slove the crime that baffle the police also wrote satires of social and literary trends Trends and hoaxes and in some cases anticipated science fiction those included an account of a balloon Voyage to the moon and a report of a dying patient put into a hypnotic trance so he could speak from the other side Joey even wrote an adventure novel about a voice to the South Pole in A Treatise on astrophysics his best-known poems songs of grief when his words mournful and never-ending remembrance The Raven in which the speaker projectors grief onto a bird keeps a single sound made Poe famous who lived in poverty throughout his career and his personal life was often as doc has his writing is haunted by the loss of his mother and his wife who both died of tuberculosis at the age of 24 who struggle with alcoholism.loose adaptation service what and yet he could have known how much pleasure and inspiration is writing would bring two generations of readers and writers alike make a call to smile so that famously brooding visage

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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