
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (82%)

Not many people have the chance to visit the
including the soles of its feet, which allows it to North and South Poles.If 25
you went on a special adventure boat trip when
Unlike polar bears, penguins live in the South 10 you visited, you would be able to observe the
Pole and many live in Antarctica.Like polar bears, penguins The polar bear lives in the cold, snowy Arctic
are excellent swimmers.Penguins unique wildlife of these places, like polar bears,
keep warm with thick skin and lots of fat under penguins and seals.Penguins have dark coloured feathers didn't see any seals.Their
5 If you went there in winter, you would probably
nostrils can close so they can swim underwater experience severe snowstorms.They have different diets, but in It also has a thick layer of fur all over its body,
general, they all eat a variety of small fish.the opportunity to visit the Poles, they would 20
Beneath the fur the skin is black, so it absorbs appear similar - both are places of extreme cold.Polar bears are excellent swimmers.However, both
and between the ice floes to look for seals, their are also places of spectacular beauty, with their
favourite food.However, if you had
swim in the coldest seas without feeling the cold.frozen landscapes of snow, ice and icebergs.heat.fast swimming.

النص الأصلي

Not many people have the chance to visit the
including the soles of its feet, which allows it to North and South Poles. However, if you had
swim in the coldest seas without feeling the cold. the opportunity to visit the Poles, they would 20
Beneath the fur the skin is black, so it absorbs appear similar – both are places of extreme cold.
heat. Polar bears are excellent swimmers. Their
5 If you went there in winter, you would probably
nostrils can close so they can swim underwater experience severe snowstorms. However, both
and between the ice floes to look for seals, their are also places of spectacular beauty, with their
favourite food.
frozen landscapes of snow, ice and icebergs. If 25
you went on a special adventure boat trip when
Unlike polar bears, penguins live in the South 10 you visited, you would be able to observe the
Pole and many live in Antarctica. Penguins unique wildlife of these places, like polar bears,
keep warm with thick skin and lots of fat under penguins and seals. You would be unlucky if you
the skin. Penguins have dark coloured feathers didn’t see any seals. 30
on their back, which absorb heat from the sun to keep them warm. Like polar bears, penguins The polar bear lives in the cold, snowy Arctic
are excellent swimmers. They have webbed 15 lands in the North Pole. It has a thick layer of fat
feet and streamlined bodies for powerful and underneath its skin and this helps to keep it warm.
fast swimming. They have different diets, but in It also has a thick layer of fur all over its body,
general, they all eat a variety of small fish.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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