
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (84%)

?He was delighted when Shadrach sent him on a mission to the gunsmith.?He loved going to Jeremiah Mumford's.Look at the pretty sign painted above the door: Jeremiah Mumford, Bal and Shot Supplier to the British Navy Well, hello there, young Harry, said Mr. Mumford."Ask Mr. Mumford if I can get some fillings for the big cannons," said Shadrach.Can he have some wads for the big cannons, said Mr. Pinchbeck, I expect they will be for prosperity, huh?To his left passed swordsmen, a tailor, and a printer.He could see the powerful guns, digging in from the airfields along the side of the ship He closed his eyes and imagined that how was part of the brave crew, going to fight for their country with Lord Nelson, he watched the sailors climb the equipment.Shadrach will be busy today, Harry smiled??And Mr. Mumford received.Harry ran along the sidewalk, dodging among the people who kept coming and going.And in the dock was a ship Your Majesty, Harry had to put his head back so he could see the top of the great masts.He admired the officers' groups, he would go on a ship like that."Don't worry," he said, and pointed to the tall bookshelves."That monkey is a true little nuisance," he said.??But there was a dock to his right.Why should he worry about being flogged?He will be the best sailor they have ever had.Hurry to the gunsmith.They say she sails tonight.He will meet George.George was his best friend, despite the age difference between them He taught Harry to read, write, and work with numbers.And don't stand staring at that ship when you're out."May I feed him?""Well," he said, "I think I'd better have that fruit."

النص الأصلي

‏He was delighted when Shadrach sent him on a mission to the gunsmith.
He loved going to Jeremiah Mumford's. He will meet George. George was his best friend, despite the age difference between them He taught Harry to read, write, and work with numbers. "Ask Mr. Mumford if I can get some fillings for the big cannons," said Shadrach. And don't stand staring at that ship when you're out. Harry ran along the sidewalk, dodging among the people who kept coming and going. To his left passed swordsmen, a tailor, and a printer. But there was a dock to his right. And in the dock was a ship Your Majesty, Harry had to put his head back so he could see the top of the great masts. He could see the powerful guns, digging in from the airfields along the side of the ship He closed his eyes and imagined that how was part of the brave crew, going to fight for their country with Lord Nelson, he watched the sailors climb the equipment. He admired the officers' groups, he would go on a ship like that. Why should he worry about being flogged? He will be the best sailor they have ever had. Hurry to the gunsmith. Look at the pretty sign painted above the door: Jeremiah Mumford, Bal and Shot Supplier to the British Navy Well, hello there, young Harry, said Mr. Mumford. Shadrach will be busy today, Harry smiled
‏And Mr. Mumford received. Can he have some wads for the big cannons, said Mr. Pinchbeck, I expect they will be for prosperity, huh? They say she sails tonight. Harry said, "Yes, sir." Mr. Mumford has gone into the back room, and shortly thereafter, will you have time to do some writing practice? I left the top line of today's accounts free, so you can type in the date if you like. "Don't worry," he said, and pointed to the tall bookshelves. Perched on the top shelf, there was a little brown monkey. His bright little eyes fell back when George raised a lantern so Harry could see better. The monkey began to babble softly. "May I feed him?" Harry asked.
‏ When you're done with your writing practice, I have some fruit you can give
‏Harry often wrote in the ledger, and he was getting very good. George said that soon no one would be able to distinguish Harry's writing from his own. Licking his lips while working. It was an amazing piece of writing. "Well," he said, "I think I'd better have that fruit." It has moved to a lower shelf. Mr. Mumford came. "That monkey is a true little nuisance," he said.
‏ Mr. Mumford looked at Harry's writing in the ledger. There will be a job here for you someday, if your head is still full to go overboard. He took out his pocket knife and cut it into small slices. The monkey was chattering

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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