
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (74%)

The continuous need to effectively respond to
competition and the growing pressure made by customers on product quality demands for the use of
optimisation methods in production processes are
fundamentally important for the production unit.Optimisation methods help to create a workstation layout scheme that allows the design of facility
layout, including distances between machines,
machine distances from transport routes or construction elements of production halls.A review of publications in
Scopus database was made with the aim to identify
methods for optimising the facility layout and examine the dynamics of changes in the number of publications on the subject in question in 1975 - 2017.Designing the deployment of workstations
requires a two-pronged approach, namely, focusing
on the design of new production lines and the reorganisation of existing systems.Problems related to planning and placement of
production positions are not a new topic in the academic circles as these issues have been the subject of
scientific research in response to constantly increasing competition between enterprises.The pressure to
improve the technological processes of enterprises
and competition in the market is also reflected in
scientific research centred around production.A literature review on methods for the optimisation of
workplaces indicated a constant and growing interest
in the analysed topic.The analysis and use of optimisation methods, as well
as the introduction of methods and the creation of
new algorithms, is a constant research challenge.The literature review
also unveiled a close relationship between scheduling
and scheduling production tasks, and the facility layout designing.Research efforts related to methods used to optimise
production processes have intensified in recent years.

النص الأصلي

The continuous need to effectively respond to
competition and the growing pressure made by customers on product quality demands for the use of
optimisation methods in production processes are
fundamentally important for the production unit.
Problems related to planning and placement of
production positions are not a new topic in the academic circles as these issues have been the subject of
scientific research in response to constantly increasing competition between enterprises. The pressure to
improve the technological processes of enterprises
and competition in the market is also reflected in
scientific research centred around production. A literature review on methods for the optimisation of
workplaces indicated a constant and growing interest
in the analysed topic. A review of publications in
Scopus database was made with the aim to identify
methods for optimising the facility layout and examine the dynamics of changes in the number of publications on the subject in question in 1975 – 2017.
Research efforts related to methods used to optimise
production processes have intensified in recent years.
The analysis and use of optimisation methods, as well
as the introduction of methods and the creation of
new algorithms, is a constant research challenge.
Designing the deployment of workstations
requires a two-pronged approach, namely, focusing
on the design of new production lines and the reorganisation of existing systems. The literature review
also unveiled a close relationship between scheduling
and scheduling production tasks, and the facility layout designing. Available optimisation methods focus
on improving selected process features. From
the point of view of a production line technologist, it
is crucial to choose a method or a set of methods with
the greatest possible amount of available data.
Optimisation methods help to create a workstation layout scheme that allows the design of facility
layout, including distances between machines,
machine distances from transport routes or construction elements of production halls. An important
condition for obtaining the intended effects is proper
identification and quantification of emerging problems, as well as an appropriate selection of methods
and tools leading to their solution.
The article is an introduction to further work
related to the identification and classification of
methods for optimising the distribution of workstations. The set of optimisation methods and tool

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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