
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The line voltage at the generator bus is given to us by the alternator rating of 4160 volts.Since power is a scalar quantity, we know all power dissipations in a system must simply add to make the total.Thus, the total motor load is 56.2 kw. Power dissipated by the delta-connected resistor load is the sum of each resistor's dissipation (240.18 volts across 10 ohms), which is 3 x 5768.5 watts, or 17.3kw tts.Unless otherwise specified, the voltage or current rating of a three-phase device is always a line quantity The load bus receives its power through the step-down transformer, with 30:1 ratio between primary and secondary windings.Each primary winding sees the full 4160 VAC of the generator bus, because those windings are in a delta configuration.

النص الأصلي

The line voltage at the generator bus is given to us by the alternator rating of 4160 volts. Unless otherwise specified, the voltage or current rating of a three-phase device is always a line quantity The load bus receives its power through the step-down transformer, with 30:1 ratio between primary and secondary windings. Each primary winding sees the full 4160 VAC of the generator bus, because those windings are in a delta configuration. Thus, each secondary winding will output 130 of that, or 138.67 volts. Since the secondary windings are connected together in a wye configuration, the line voltage at the load bus will be 240.18 volts. The next logical calculation to perform is total power, because we cannot calculate alternator line current until we know how much power they're sourcing. The two 35 HP motors are easy: 26.1 kw each. Thus, the total motor load is 56.2 kw. Power dissipated by the delta-connected resistor load is the sum of each resistor's dissipation (240.18 volts across 10 ohms), which is 3 x 5768.5 watts, or 17.3kw tts. Since power is a scalar quantity, we know all power dissipations in a system must simply add to make the total. Therefore, the total power in this system is 73.5SKW kw. If we now treat the three alternators as a single power source (at a line voltage of 4160 volts), the total power dissipation of 735 kw equates to a total line current of 10.2 amps. Split evenly among three alternators, the line current for each alternator must be one-third of this, or 3.4 amps.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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