
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

Berds, they are small, vertebrate, warm-blooded, bipedal animals with the ability to fly hop and sometimes walk. Their hind legs are very variable, although all all species) species have claw-shaped fectand. can have 27 04 distinct parts. Instead of front! legs they have. Wings, which is their main characteristic of being covered with feathers instead of hair.

Conclusion, aerial animals are divided according to the type of locomotion they peform and there are two types, motorized and non-motorized. The motorized ones are those in which the. animalexecutesitsstrength n o and muscles to create the. aerodynamics necessary to fly. On the contrary, the locomotion. without motor lacks strength and the way of flying is based. on the capacity of some animals to help themselves with the. wind creating the aerodynamic force, the wind drags them and. they use their wings to goin the direction they want to move but it doesn't allow them to control the speed or the altitude, Therefore, their flight is always descending and they limit their feeding, so. many of them aren't hunters and est fruits or seeds that full from the trees, while the motorized ones eat the fruits of the highest plants and can bunt, providing them with a more varied die

النص الأصلي

Berds, they are small, vertebrate, warm-blooded, bipedal animals with the ability to fly hop and sometimes walk. Their hind legs are very variable, although all all species) species have claw-shaped fectand. can have 27 04 distinct parts. Instead of front! legs they have. Wings, which is their main characteristic of being covered with feathers instead of hair.

Conclusion, aerial animals are divided according to the type of locomotion they peform and there are two types, motorized and non-motorized. The motorized ones are those in which the. animalexecutesitsstrength n o and muscles to create the. aerodynamics necessary to fly. On the contrary, the locomotion. without motor lacks strength and the way of flying is based. on the capacity of some animals to help themselves with the. wind creating the aerodynamic force, the wind drags them and. they use their wings to goin the direction they want to move but it doesn't allow them to control the speed or the altitude, Therefore, their flight is always descending and they limit their feeding, so. many of them aren't hunters and est fruits or seeds that full from the trees, while the motorized ones eat the fruits of the highest plants and can bunt, providing them with a more varied die

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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