
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

?To count white blood cells (WBCs) using a hemocytometer, follow these steps:

?1.If required, report the findings according to the laboratory protocol or medical standards.?Remember, proper technique and practice are essential to obtain reliable and consistent results while using a hemocytometer for WBC counting.Calculate the count: Once the counting is complete, calculate the concentration of WBCs in the original sample using the formula provided with the hemocytometer.Prepare the sample: Dilute the blood sample with a suitable diluting fluid, such as Turk's solution or Hayem's solution.Observe under a microscope: Place the hemocytometer under a microscope and adjust the focus to clearly visualize the counting area.The counting area is divided into squares and further subdivided into smaller squares, making it easier to count WBCs.This formula takes into account the cell count, the dilution factor, and the volume of the sample loaded into the chamber.Repeat for accuracy: For accurate results, repeat the counting process for several squares on the hemocytometer.?2.?3.?4.?5.?6.?7.?8.?9.

النص الأصلي

‏To count white blood cells (WBCs) using a hemocytometer, follow these steps:

‏1. Prepare the sample: Dilute the blood sample with a suitable diluting fluid, such as Türk's solution or Hayem's solution. Mix the sample gently to ensure proper mixing.

‏2. Prepare the hemocytometer: Place the clean and dry hemocytometer on a flat surface, ensuring that both the ruling and cover glass are dust-free.

‏3. Load the sample: Using a pipette, carefully load the diluted sample into the edge of the hemocytometer. The capillary action will draw the sample into the chamber.

‏4. Let the cells settle: Allow the sample to settle for a few minutes, giving time for the WBCs to evenly distribute across the counting area. This helps ensure an accurate count.

‏5. Observe under a microscope: Place the hemocytometer under a microscope and adjust the focus to clearly visualize the counting area. The counting area is divided into squares and further subdivided into smaller squares, making it easier to count WBCs.

‏6. Count the cells: Starting from a corner, count the WBCs present in the designated area, using a predetermined pattern. Consider both the cells that appear within the squares and those that appear along the edges. Repeat the process for each square, making sure to count the cells in a systematic manner to prevent double-counting or missing any cells.

‏7. Calculate the count: Once the counting is complete, calculate the concentration of WBCs in the original sample using the formula provided with the hemocytometer. This formula takes into account the cell count, the dilution factor, and the volume of the sample loaded into the chamber.

‏8. Repeat for accuracy: For accurate results, repeat the counting process for several squares on the hemocytometer. This helps ensure a representative count and reduces potential errors.

‏9. Record and report: Record the final count and concentration of WBCs. If required, report the findings according to the laboratory protocol or medical standards.

‏Remember, proper technique and practice are essential to obtain reliable and consistent results while using a hemocytometer for WBC counting.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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