
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Proteins have an essential purpose in cellular structure.Plaque accumulation on and around the teeth is known to cause gingivitis, which can progress to chronic periodontitis.Due to improving social conditions in most industrialized countries, increased accessibility and efficiency of current oral care, and promotion of conservative therapeutic tactics, the twentieth century witnessed tremendous achievement in lowering pain and tooth loss.Furthermore, during the last fifty years, developments in oral and dental health sciences and engineering have increased our understanding of the physiological aspects of these disorders and their causes, as well as produced and tested innovative approaches to prevent them.Furthermore, over the last half-century, developments in dental health science and engineering have increased our understanding of the features of these disorders and their causes, as well as generated and assessed innovative treatment options.Thousands of ways will be included in a comprehensive list of discovered protein activities, that will comprise proteins that transport molecules and compounds that generate energy.As a result, when protein intake is less than 1.6 grammes per kilogram per day, supplemental protein may be sufficient and required for increasing strength or training-induced fat-independent weight gains.As a result, treating and avoiding gingivitis aids in the prevention of periodontitis.

النص الأصلي

Proteins have an essential purpose in cellular structure. Thousands of ways will be included in a comprehensive list of discovered protein activities, that will comprise proteins that transport molecules and compounds that generate energy. As a result, when protein intake is less than 1.6 grammes per kilogram per day, supplemental protein may be sufficient and required for increasing strength or training-induced fat-independent weight gains.
Due to improving social conditions in most industrialized countries, increased accessibility and efficiency of current oral care, and promotion of conservative therapeutic tactics, the twentieth century witnessed tremendous achievement in lowering pain and tooth loss. Furthermore, during the last fifty years, developments in oral and dental health sciences and engineering have increased our understanding of the physiological aspects of these disorders and their causes, as well as produced and tested innovative approaches to prevent them.
Furthermore, over the last half-century, developments in dental health science and engineering have increased our understanding of the features of these disorders and their causes, as well as generated and assessed innovative treatment options. Plaque accumulation on and around the teeth is known to cause gingivitis, which can progress to chronic periodontitis. As a result, treating and avoiding gingivitis aids in the prevention of periodontitis.
Questionnaires were provided to professional weight training at many fitness facilities, as well as a festival and four-day event dubbed "fitness, healthy living, and sports investment event, for cross-sectional study. The majority of people indicated they didn't have their teeth checked very regularly. Furthermore, half of the participants said they brush their teeth once a day and rarely use rinse or mouthwash. 51.9 percent of people who had a dental health checkup said they went twice a year. Teeth washing, rinsing, regular checks, and flossing were employed by the majority of participants.
For this research, professional athletes were brought into the same location. Demographics, smoking behaviors, oral health management practices, food patterns, trademarks, and supplement types were all collected using a survey-based set of questions. As a result, during the previous five decades, cavities and periodontitis have become the most common disorders affecting the human mouth. When these two disorders come together, it causes excruciating pain and suffering, as well as substantial tooth decay and loss.
Because of improving socioeconomic conditions in most industrialized countries, increased accessibility and usability of modern oral care, and promotion of conservative therapeutic tactics, the twentieth century witnessed tremendous achievement in lowering pain and tooth loss. Making it a practice and becoming concerned about what is being consumed along with reducing sugar intake are the steps to line up the methods. Furthermore, during the last fifty years, developments in oral and dental health sciences and engineering have increased our understanding of the biology of these disorders and their causes, as well as produced and tested innovative approaches to prevent them.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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