
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (67%)

Solarisation is a beneficial method for improving plant growth, development, and increase in organic matter soluble in the sun. It is recommended to perform solarization every 2-3 years, avec correcte maintenance, and at least two years consecutively, if the soil is highly contaminated.

Solarisation can be used against pathogens such as Fusarium, Verticillium dahliae, and chancre diseases (Phoma de la tomate), which usually conserve their form as pycnides or mycélium. It also works against Nematodes, such as Pratylenchus thornei and Meloidogyne galles, which are difficult to control due to their depth migration in the sun.

The effectiveness of solarisation is minimal, as it only works on the first 30 centimeters of the sun. Once the sun is chilled, these Nematodes return to the surface to find a biological environment for optimal development conditions.

The solarisation process involves several steps : sowing, which involves discharging the soil and deblanchering the tunnels. The work of the soil doit être fait at a depth of 25-30 cm, avec aspersion pour humidifier le soil in depth. Un spécial solarisation film, treated anti-UV, is appliqué to the soil, and the tunnels are placed on a side of the tunnel, rolled or repliated, and then deployed après aspersion.

In the field, the bâches are solidly entered on the sides. After the solarisation, a short aspersion is performed to plaque the film on the soil and limit grain emergence. Serres sont left closed for a quick temperature increase, and partially open to prevent degradation of irrigation systems.

النص الأصلي

Solarisation is a beneficial method for improving plant growth, development, and increase in organic matter soluble in the sun. It is recommended to perform solarization every 2-3 years, avec correcte maintenance, and at least two years consecutively, if the soil is highly contaminated.

Solarisation can be used against pathogens such as Fusarium, Verticillium dahliae, and chancre diseases (Phoma de la tomate), which usually conserve their form as pycnides or mycélium. It also works against Nematodes, such as Pratylenchus thornei and Meloidogyne galles, which are difficult to control due to their depth migration in the sun.

The effectiveness of solarisation is minimal, as it only works on the first 30 centimeters of the sun. Once the sun is chilled, these Nematodes return to the surface to find a biological environment for optimal development conditions.

The solarisation process involves several steps : sowing, which involves discharging the soil and deblanchering the tunnels. The work of the soil doit être fait at a depth of 25-30 cm, avec aspersion pour humidifier le soil in depth. Un spécial solarisation film, treated anti-UV, is appliqué to the soil, and the tunnels are placed on a side of the tunnel, rolled or repliated, and then deployed après aspersion.

In the field, the bâches are solidly entered on the sides. After the solarisation, a short aspersion is performed to plaque the film on the soil and limit grain emergence. Serres sont left closed for a quick temperature increase, and partially open to prevent degradation of irrigation systems.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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