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نتيجة التلخيص (45%)

charlle and the Chocolate Factory
Author: Roald Dahl
illustrated by:Quentin Blake
once upon a time in a small Town there lived a boy named Charlie's family was poor and they lived in a tiny house near a big chocolate factory the factory was owned by the mystrtious willy wonka a famous chocolatier.the next day, he joined four other children-augustus gollp, veruca salt, violet beauregarde, and mike teavee-at the factory gates.charlie became the new owner, sharing candies with his family and friends, the Oompa-loompas danced in celebration.And so. the legend of willy wanka's chocoate factory lived on, enchanting generations of children who dreamed of golden tickets and everlasting gobstoppers.there were chocolate rivers, everlasting gobstoppers, and Oompa-loompas-tiny workers who sang and danced.but willy wonka had rules: no touching,no tasting, and no going off the path!

النص الأصلي

charlle and the Chocolate Factory
Author: Roald Dahl
illustrated by:Quentin Blake
once upon a time in a small Town there lived a boy named Charlie's family was poor and they lived in a tiny house near a big chocolate factory the factory was owned by the mystrtious willy wonka a famous chocolatier.
evrey day charlie would walk past the factory gates dreaming of the delicious chocolates inside but nobody ever went in or come out willy wanka was a recluse and the factory was a mystery.
one day something incredible happened willy wanka announced that he would give away five golden tickets to lucky children these tickets would allow them to tour the magical chocolate factory! charlie's heart raced he wished for a golden ticket more than anything.
and guess what? charlie found a golden ticket! he danced with joy and ran home to tell his family. the next day, he joined four other children-augustus gollp, veruca salt, violet beauregarde, and mike teavee-at the factory gates.
inside,they discovered wonders beyond imagination. there were chocolate rivers, everlasting gobstoppers, and Oompa-loompas-tiny workers who sang and danced.but willy wonka had rules: no touching,no tasting, and no going off the path!
one by one, the other children misbehaved. augustus fell into the chocolate river, veruca was thrown down the garbage chute, violet turned into a giant blueberry, and mike got zapped into a tv screen.only charlie remained, and he was rewarded wiyh the greatest prize-a lifetime supply of chocolate and the keys to the factory.
charlie became the new owner, sharing candies with his family and friends, the Oompa-loompas danced in celebration.And so. the legend of willy wanka's chocoate factory lived on, enchanting generations of children who dreamed of golden tickets and everlasting gobstoppers.
and charlie? he knew that love. like chocolate, was the sweetest magic of all.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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