
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (41%)

In a region of Ethiopia, hot lava erupts from the Erta ale volcano
The temperature of this lava is more than a 2000 degrees Fahrenheit,
Now a team of explorers wants to see Erta ale they want to learn a bout the volcano
Its a difficult trek, and the team has to use camles they reach the crater
Frank tessier and lrene margaritis are geologists and professors at the University of Nice
They travel very far to see erta ale in the crater they see the black lava lake
Its quite exciting I want to see it now
Erta ale is in the afar area of Ethiopia the afar triangle is in an area where three continental plates meet
These plates move every year'
The erat ale volcano has the oldest lava lake in the word .

النص الأصلي

In a region of Ethiopia, hot lava erupts from the Erta ale volcano
The temperature of this lava is more than a 2000 degrees Fahrenheit,
Now a team of explorers wants to see Erta ale they want to learn a bout the volcano
Its a difficult trek, and the team has to use camles they reach the crater
Frank tessier and lrene margaritis are geologists and professors at the University of Nice
They travel very far to see erta ale in the crater they see the black lava lake
Its quite exciting I want to see it now
Erta ale is in the afar area of Ethiopia the afar triangle is in an area where three continental plates meet
These plates move every year'
The erat ale volcano has the oldest lava lake in the word .
The lake is one of the lowest points on earth. At erta ale geologists study how the world started millions of years ago. Red hot lava comes out from the earth .this lava froms erta ale s lava lake .when the lava cools its hard and black. Hot magma breaks through when the volcano erupts the geologists stand at the top of the active volcano and wait next to the crater it is difficult to be there:there is a strong smell of sulfur. It is very, very hot then the group goes down into the crater. Professor tessier wants to collect pieces of the red hot lava.it is 2:00 in the morning when they return.
They are very tired and, professor margaritis says; very hot
I think this is fresh lava. The pieces don,t come directly from the lava lake. However, the team decides they are fresh.
The team goes back to analyze the pieces of lava.
They want to learn new information to teach to others. They want to know what the lava of erta ale can teach them about how the the world started millions of years ago.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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