
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

ship sailing up the River Thames.I rive silent and daug rowin

T iron and fathe

Old John Harmon had made a very strange will3.I rive silent and daug rowin

T iron and fathe

Old John Harmon had made a very strange will3.they boat

The shou heav that The


2 When I know what Bella is like, I can decide what to do. John Harmon told himself.they boat

The shou heav that The


2 When I know what Bella is like, I can decide what to do. John Harmon told himself.Young John Harmon, unhappy and without a friend, had told his story to George Radfoot, a sailor on the ship.two young George Radfoot was going to help John Harmon disguise himself.Then Harmon would hide for a time and find out what kind of girl Bella Wilfer was.Young John Harmon, unhappy and without a friend, had told his story to George Radfoot, a sailor on the ship.two young George Radfoot was going to help John Harmon disguise himself.Then Harmon would hide for a time and find out what kind of girl Bella Wilfer was.ship sailing up the River Thames.ab My father was always unkind to me when I was a child.But only if he agreed to

marry a girl called Bella Wilfer.Then I shall go to Mr Lightwood, my father's lawyer, and tell him who I am.

The young man looked at the dark, dirty buildings on both sides of the river.One was John Harmon and the other was George Radfoot.John Harmon asked himself.

النص الأصلي

ship sailing up the River Thames. He looked down dark river which he had not seen for fourteen years.
ship sailing up the River Thames. He looked down dark river which he had not seen for fourteen years.


Have I done right to come back? John Harmon asked himself. ab My father was always unkind to me when I was a child. Now he is dead and I am rich. But will this money make me happy? Shall I be happy, married to a girl that I have never seen?

I rive silent and daug rowin

T iron and fathe

Old John Harmon had made a very strange will³. His son, John, inherited³ all his father's money. But only if he agreed to

marry a girl called Bella Wilfer. Young John Harmon, unhappy and without a friend, had told his story to George Radfoot, a sailor on the ship. Together, the men had made a plan.

two young George Radfoot was going to help John Harmon disguise himself. Then Harmon would hide for a time and find out what kind of girl Bella Wilfer was.

they boat

The shou heav that The


2 When I know what Bella is like, I can decide what to do. John Harmon told himself. Then I shall go to Mr Lightwood, my father's lawyer, and tell him who I am.

The young man looked at the dark, dirty buildings on both sides of the river. Very soon his long voyage would be over. John Harmon turned and went slowly down to his cabin below.

About an hour later, two young men left the ship. They both looked very much like each other. One was John Harmon and the other was George Radfoot.

Have I done right to come back? John Harmon asked himself. ab My father was always unkind to me when I was a child. Now he is dead and I am rich. But will this money make me happy? Shall I be happy, married to a girl that I have never seen?

I rive silent and daug rowin

T iron and fathe

Old John Harmon had made a very strange will³. His son, John, inherited³ all his father's money. But only if he agreed to

marry a girl called Bella Wilfer. Young John Harmon, unhappy and without a friend, had told his story to George Radfoot, a sailor on the ship. Together, the men had made a plan.

two young George Radfoot was going to help John Harmon disguise himself. Then Harmon would hide for a time and find out what kind of girl Bella Wilfer was.

they boat

The shou heav that The


2 When I know what Bella is like, I can decide what to do. John Harmon told himself. Then I shall go to Mr Lightwood, my father's lawyer, and tell him who I am.

The young man looked at the dark, dirty buildings on both sides of the river. Very soon his long voyage would be over. John Harmon turned and went slowly down to his cabin below.

About an hour later, two young men left the ship. They both looked very much like each other. One was John Harmon and the other was George Radfoot.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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