
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, connected to human health, has been extremely serious and lethal.Adequate calorie and fluid consumption and the requirement for oxygen in the procedure should be maintained.The third pandemic, triggered by COVID-19, also belongs to the family of coronaviruses causing extreme acute respiratory syndrome, which has alarmed the global public health authorities to take prompt steps to monitor the pandemic transition (Iqbal et al., 2020; Moreens et al., 2020).Many patients, mostly patients, were admitted to intensive care units,

Zoonotic pathogens, such as pandemics, epidemics and endemic disorders, have adverse consequences and are a major threat to human life, public safety, wellbeing and national economic development (Allen et al., 2017).It should be remembered that viruses typically have different sensitivities based on a bell-shaped curve to physical and chemical harmful agents, such as antiviral medications, UV and fire, varying from highly sensitive (ES) to extremely resistant (ER).Mechanical ventilation was needed for a significant number of patients (almost 1/3rd) with the onset of fever, dyspnea, cough, and watery diarrhea, and the mortality rate was as high as 10 percent.The current state of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic is being figured out by global health authorities and strategies are being investigated to reduce the rate of its spread to healthy individuals.Thanks to the epidemic of SARS in 2002, which was marked by atypical coronavirus-induced pneumonia, it became an important concern of the scientific community.and may continue to conform to human hosts, thereby enhancing hACE binding (Huang & Herrmann, 2020).The fast implementation of the COVID-2019 series helps the scientific community to engage rapidly, analyze and improve diagnostic tests.The influenza pandemic has caused the deaths of over fifty million people worldwide, according to one estimate (Moreens et al., 2020; Short et al., 2018).Middle eastern respiratory syndromes (MERS-Co.) and extreme acute respiratory syndromes (SARS-Co.) are known to cause hundreds of deaths.Coronaviruses are believed to be common pathogens for common colds.

النص الأصلي

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, connected to human health, has been extremely serious and lethal. The influenza pandemic has caused the deaths of over fifty million people worldwide, according to one estimate (Moreens et al., 2020; Short et al., 2018). Coronaviruses are believed to be common pathogens for common colds. Yet the 21st century saw two outbreaks of worldwide epidemics. Middle eastern respiratory syndromes (MERS-Co.) and extreme acute respiratory syndromes (SARS-Co.) are known to cause hundreds of deaths. Scientists paid no attention to coronaviruses until the onset of the 21st century. Scientists paid little attention to coronaviruses. Overall, it is important to assess the degree of human-to-human infection and the extent of clinical illness. Via cloud occurrences, SARS-Co. and MERS-Co. are widely distributed. Cloud activities involve the COVID-19 transmission, but their relative significance is uncertain. Thanks to the epidemic of SARS in 2002, which was marked by atypical coronavirus-induced pneumonia, it became an important concern of the scientific community. Mechanical ventilation was needed for a significant number of patients (almost 1/3rd) with the onset of fever, dyspnea, cough, and watery diarrhea, and the mortality rate was as high as 10 percent. The second outbreak of coronavirus infection was observed in 2012 and was identified as MARS. The third pandemic, triggered by COVID-19, also belongs to the family of coronaviruses causing extreme acute respiratory syndrome, which has alarmed the global public health authorities to take prompt steps to monitor the pandemic transition (Iqbal et al., 2020; Moreens et al., 2020). Seventeen years later, in the form of a pandemic of COVID-19 prevalence, similar or even more serious cases emerged. Many patients, mostly patients, were admitted to intensive care units,

Zoonotic pathogens, such as pandemics, epidemics and endemic disorders, have adverse consequences and are a major threat to human life, public safety, wellbeing and national economic development (Allen et al., 2017). In addition, the advent of these diseases can illustrate our lack of understanding of natural phenomena. Today, with modern and emerging technology, the planet is evolving into a global community of 7.6 billion inhabitants. The appearance of another coronavirus In order to determine the degree of mutation of the virus, it is necessary to acquire as many clinical isolates as possible that are not tied to time and geography. COVID-19 may be more like SARS-Co. and may continue to conform to human hosts, thereby enhancing hACE binding (Huang & Herrmann, 2020).

The government's response to COVID-19 is far from ideal, but it is in stark contrast to the SARS epidemic. The fast implementation of the COVID-2019 series helps the scientific community to engage rapidly, analyze and improve diagnostic tests.

The current state of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic is being figured out by global health authorities and strategies are being investigated to reduce the rate of its spread to healthy individuals. We give perspectives from this point of view about how health care workers can unwittingly change the latest category of coronavirus to more drug-resistant types. It should be remembered that viruses typically have different sensitivities based on a bell-shaped curve to physical and chemical harmful agents, such as antiviral medications, UV and fire, varying from highly sensitive (ES) to extremely resistant (ER). The mass contamination of individuals with such ER viruses would be a real tragedy, considering this consideration.

Children are less likely than adults to develop infection as a clear chronic problem. The clinical characteristics of the disorder are milder, and mortality has not been reported for less than 10 years. Blood count and C-reactive protein levels will typically be seen to be average or significantly elevated. In the radiological assessment of the lung, the presence of ground glass and bronchial shadows can be evident. Nucleic acid examination is conducted from the nose or throat swab to determine the precise cause of the disease. Adequate calorie and fluid consumption and the requirement for oxygen in the procedure should be maintained.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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