خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة
Common Gait Deviations Observed During Swing Circumducted gait is a swing phase deviation in which hip abduction is combined with a wide arc of pelvic rotation, most often occurring as a compensatory pattern when there is a relatively longer swing limb compared with the stance limb.Circumduction and abduction create a significant energy cost penalty, increasing lateral displacement of the center of gravity.A severe leg length discrepancy can result in an exaggerated pelvic tilt from the contralateral stance leg, which obligates the swing limb to an increased abduction position.It is possible for a contracture of the contralateral adductors to create this deviation by pulling the pelvis toward the contralateral femur and demanding a compensatory ipsilateral abducted position relative to the pelvis.Circumduction can be observed as a lateral arc of the foot in the transverse plane that begins at the end of PSw and ends at IC on the same limb.This action is most likely to happen when there is limited motion or impaired motor control affecting ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, or hip flexion.A plantar flexion contracture at the foot or a stiff knee or hip joint can necessitate a circumduction pattern during swing in an effort to achieve toe and foot clearance.The arc reaches the apex of its lateral movement at MSw.This combination of abduction and pelvic rotation is a compensatory strategy to advance the limb.The typical pattern is a mixture of a wide base of support with the foot abnormally outset and may include an ipsilateral pelvic drop.
Common Gait Deviations Observed During Swing
Circumducted gait is a swing phase deviation in which hip
abduction is combined with a wide arc of pelvic rotation, most
often occurring as a compensatory pattern when there is a relatively
longer swing limb compared with the stance limb. This
action is most likely to happen when there is limited motion
or impaired motor control affecting ankle dorsiflexion, knee
flexion, or hip flexion. A plantar flexion contracture at the
foot or a stiff knee or hip joint can necessitate a circumduction
pattern during swing in an effort to achieve toe and foot
clearance. This combination of abduction and pelvic rotation
is a compensatory strategy to advance the limb.
Circumduction can be observed as a lateral arc of the foot
in the transverse plane that begins at the end of PSw and ends
at IC on the same limb. The arc reaches the apex of its lateral
movement at MSw. The typical pattern is a mixture of
a wide base of support with the foot abnormally outset and
may include an ipsilateral pelvic drop. It is possible for a contracture
of the contralateral adductors to create this deviation
by pulling the pelvis toward the contralateral femur and
demanding a compensatory ipsilateral abducted position relative
to the pelvis.
A severe leg length discrepancy can result
in an exaggerated pelvic tilt from the contralateral stance leg,
which obligates the swing limb to an increased abduction
position. Circumduction and abduction create a significant
energy cost penalty, increasing lateral displacement of the
center of gravity.
تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص
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