
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (39%)

Aim of this paper is to represent a developed control system which allows user to control his/her home appliances and systems from any location using a cell phone.As the cell phone enables people to connect with the outside devices via cellular communication network regardless of time and space, the cell phone is a suitable device to control domestic systemsAs this has been achieved in the domestic systems partially, many corporations and laboratories are researching the methods which enable human to control and monitor efficiently and easily in home or outdoor.Traditionally electrical appliances in a home are controlled via switches that regulate the electricity to these devices.Thus the living environment will be much more enhanced and satisfactory.through cell phone.

النص الأصلي

Aim of this paper is to represent a developed control system which allows user to control his/her home appliances and systems from any location using a cell phone. One has to make a call from his/her cell phone to maintain the home appliances wirelessly. As the cellular communication is available everywhere in the world, it will be much easier to employ this technology in practical life. In the fast growing world, everyone wants to control everything by his hand. This new developed technology will meet up the demand of people by providing them the control of their home. As the world is getting digitalized in every moments, this developed control system will add a new dimension in daily lifestyle. So no more manual control will be existed rather everything will be automatic. Thus the living environment will be much more enhanced and satisfactory.

Traditionally electrical appliances in a home are controlled via switches that regulate the electricity to these devices. As the world gets more and more technologically advanced, new technology is coming in deeper and deeper into people’s lives even at home. In the age of electronic systems it is important to be able to control and acquire information from everywhere [1]. This paper demonstrates an advanced control system which will assist users to monitor their home electric devices such as light, fan, air-conditioner, refrigerator, television etc. through cell phone. The remote control technologies have been used in the fields like factory automation, space exploration, in places where human access is difficult. As this has been achieved in the domestic systems partially, many corporations and laboratories are researching the methods which enable human to control and monitor efficiently and easily in home or outdoor. Controlling the domestic system regardless of time and space is an important challenge. As the cell phone enables people to connect with the outside devices via cellular communication network regardless of time and space, the cell phone is a suitable device to control domestic systems

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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