
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (4%)

Cities are bigger than villages or towns. In villages or small towns, the neighborhoods are close. You trav- el on foot most of the time. In cities, you cannot. Distances are far. Most often, you use means of trans- portation. There are various means of transportation. In most cities, people use small cars or buses. Cars are either taxis or "service" cars. Buses are either mini or big. In some countries, passengers use trams, trains, boats. Trains travel both on land and underground. The underground is often called the subway. To travel from one country to another, we use airplanes. Some people travel by ships, Most cities are crowded. Millions of people live in them. Many people own cars. They use these cars to go to work, to shop, and to visit friends or relatives. Most people do not own private cars. They use meata of public transportation: For this reason, big cities have a large number of cars, taxis, buses, trams, trains o
boats. There is also a large number of vans, trucks, and vehicles of all kinds. These are used to transport goods and materials of all sorts. People who travel in cars, buses, trams, trains, boats, ships, or airplanes are called passengers. Those who walk in the street on foot are called pedestrians. Those who drive cars, buses, trucks, and trains are called drivers or motorists. Those who steer boats, ships, or airplanes are called pilots. Means of transportation make our life easy. They have many advantages. First, they save us a lot of time. Secondly, they spare us a lot of effort. Can you walk from your home to the university? li your home is close, you can. If it is for, you cannot. Thirdly, means of transportation bring us goods and materials from all over the world. We need these goods and materials a great deal. Unfortunately, means of transportation have some disadvantages. For example, accidents happen at times. Vehicles hit each other. They cause a lot of damage. Sometimes, vehicles hit pedestrians. They either injure or kill them. Furthermore, vehicles pollute the environment. They emit poisonous smoke, gases, and fumes of all kinds. Smoke, gases, and fumes cause diseases to people. They also harm the atmosphere. On the whole, means of transportation are a blessing. If we use them well, they serve us and make our life convenient. If we do not use them well, they affect our life negatively. If motorists slow down, there will be fewer accidents. If they speed, there will be more accidents. If motorists check and repair their vehicles, the poisonous smoke, gases, and fumes will affect us and our planet less. Comprehension

النص الأصلي

Cities are bigger than villages or towns. In villages or small towns, the neighborhoods are close. You trav- el on foot most of the time. In cities, you cannot. Distances are far. Most often, you use means of trans- portation. There are various means of transportation. In most cities, people use small cars or buses. Cars are either taxis or "service" cars. Buses are either mini or big. In some countries, passengers use trams, trains, boats. Trains travel both on land and underground. The underground is often called the subway. To travel from one country to another, we use airplanes. Some people travel by ships, Most cities are crowded. Millions of people live in them. Many people own cars. They use these cars to go to work, to shop, and to visit friends or relatives. Most people do not own private cars. They use meata of public transportation: For this reason, big cities have a large number of cars, taxis, buses, trams, trains o
boats. There is also a large number of vans, trucks, and vehicles of all kinds. These are used to transport goods and materials of all sorts. People who travel in cars, buses, trams, trains, boats, ships, or airplanes are called passengers. Those who walk in the street on foot are called pedestrians. Those who drive cars, buses, trucks, and trains are called drivers or motorists. Those who steer boats, ships, or airplanes are called pilots. Means of transportation make our life easy. They have many advantages. First, they save us a lot of time. Secondly, they spare us a lot of effort. Can you walk from your home to the university? li your home is close, you can. If it is for, you cannot. Thirdly, means of transportation bring us goods and materials from all over the world. We need these goods and materials a great deal. Unfortunately, means of transportation have some disadvantages. For example, accidents happen at times. Vehicles hit each other. They cause a lot of damage. Sometimes, vehicles hit pedestrians. They either injure or kill them. Furthermore, vehicles pollute the environment. They emit poisonous smoke, gases, and fumes of all kinds. Smoke, gases, and fumes cause diseases to people. They also harm the atmosphere. On the whole, means of transportation are a blessing. If we use them well, they serve us and make our life convenient. If we do not use them well, they affect our life negatively. If motorists slow down, there will be fewer accidents. If they speed, there will be more accidents. If motorists check and repair their vehicles, the poisonous smoke, gases, and fumes will affect us and our planet less. Comprehension

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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