
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

This story began long ago in the year 1009, when it was said that there was hidden treasure in the lost city of Rusaka, in the country of India, and for hundreds of years people mistakenly believed that it would be easy to find them, but they were wrong, everyone who went to find the treasure never returned .Below is a place of worship that must go. The first clue led to the underwater caves, fountains and temples.Tom ran without delay to his grandfather's house to ask about the treasure and the lost city of Rosaka, and his grandfather John Morris Poplinock smiled boredom and opened a small silver box he kept under his bed, handing Tom a sheet of plain paper and a pair of oddly shaded green and red glasses.On October 21, he found the lost city, under the rubble of a cathedral, and dark narrow corridors leading him down; Read the latest guide:

Pass your reflection you will see the portal of the Land of Opportunity Lanes lead him to a dead end, and Tom was very frustrated.He kicked the wall in front of him revealing the magic mirror, and Tom reached the magic mirror, fell through it and landed on a mountain of gold and lost jewels, and I can't tell you more than necessary ... let's just say that Tom Poplenook will never be sad again, and he was happy to spend fortunes On his family and himself.Look for the treasure.

النص الأصلي

This story began long ago in the year 1009, when it was said that there was hidden treasure in the lost city of Rusaka, in the country of India, and for hundreds of years people mistakenly believed that it would be easy to find them, but they were wrong, everyone who went to find the treasure never returned .

Several years later, a boy named Tom Poplenuck heard this story from his grandfather, who heard it from his grandfather, and in fact, for several generations, this story was passed down in the Bublenuck family. Tom’s father, Morris, thought it was all a lie, but Tom differently thought the story was true, but as he got older he forgot it.

Now in 2009, Tom is 30 years old; He just lost his job, had no money, and Tom was totally lucky, or so he thought. It was a cold spring morning, and the sun was shining as Tom was walking down the street, and suddenly the wind rose and struck a Tom branch on his head, and he suddenly remembered the story of the lost treasure.

Tom ran without delay to his grandfather’s house to ask about the treasure and the lost city of Rosaka, and his grandfather John Morris Poplinock smiled boredom and opened a small silver box he kept under his bed, handing Tom a sheet of plain paper and a pair of oddly shaded green and red glasses.

His grandfather told him, “Put on glasses before looking at the paper son.” Tom immediately put on the glasses and the paper came to life, and it was a map of the lost treasure, and his grandfather told him, “There is a magic mirror that will open on October 21, 2009, and it only opens every 100 years.”

And Tom had been waiting for a moment like this all his life, that would change the history of the Bublenuck family forever, would be a life-changing, and he packed up and left for India the next day.

The first evidence of the treasure was as follows: A brilliant star, oh bright star, how silver and shiny are my jewels. Look for the treasure. Below is a place of worship that must go. The first clue led to the underwater caves, fountains and temples.

It seemed impossible to find Rusaka, but his hard work paid off. On October 21, he found the lost city, under the rubble of a cathedral, and dark narrow corridors leading him down; Read the latest guide:

Pass your reflection you will see the portal of the Land of Opportunity Lanes lead him to a dead end, and Tom was very frustrated. He kicked the wall in front of him revealing the magic mirror, and Tom reached the magic mirror, fell through it and landed on a mountain of gold and lost jewels, and I can’t tell you more than necessary … let’s just say that Tom Poplenook will never be sad again, and he was happy to spend fortunes On his family and himself.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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