
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (40%)

following excerpt The pace of amendment within the last many centuries becomes evident if we tend to take into account time on the size of human generations.a awfully necessary social group role of ecology and ecologists within the twenty first century are to assist outline the environmental and propertyIf we tend to take into account the human fashion to incorporate living in bands of hunter-gatherers and victimisation hearth and tools, psychological feature (meaning, apprehension, perception), social behavior that's not strictly self-generated, upright, then anthropomorphic creatures are alive for concerning one million to two million years or concerning fifty,000 to 100,000 generations (assuming twenty years per generation).A time span of 2 and walking lion years is enough time for species evolution to occur, and so it did.the economic revolution and intensive fossil-fuel use began concerning two hundred years (10 generations) and a century (5 generations ) past , severally .Our distant ancestors went through a series of species before evolving into trendy human.

النص الأصلي

following excerpt The pace of amendment within the last many centuries becomes evident if we tend to take into account time on the size of human generations. Our species, human, is concerning two hundred,000 years recent. however a anthropomorphic existence is far older, and plenty of of the characteristics we tend to come with the human fashion evolved before human became a definite species. If we tend to take into account the human fashion to incorporate living in bands of hunter-gatherers and victimisation hearth and tools, psychological feature (meaning, apprehension, perception), social behavior that's not strictly self-generated, upright, then anthropomorphic creatures are alive for concerning one million to two million years or concerning fifty,000 to 100,000 generations (assuming twenty years per generation).A time span of 2 and walking lion years is enough time for species evolution to occur, and so it did. Our distant ancestors went through a series of species before evolving into trendy human. And as our species evolved, thus did the human fashion. Language began concerning fifty,000 years past (2500 generations), agriculture concerning ten,000 years past (500 generations), and civilizations initial appeared concerning 5000 years (250 generations) past. Most initial civilizations began in resource- wealthy coastal zones and lower watercourse valleys once the ocean level stabilised, part as a results of the grant of well endowed resources and energy in these areas (Day et al. 2007a). the economic revolution and intensive fossil-fuel use began concerning two hundred years (10 generations) and a century (5 generations ) past , severally . Intensive fossil - fuel use represents solely zero.1 % of the age of our species , and concerning zero.01 you look after the time over that the human fashion evolved . The " info age" has existed for less than concerning 2 generations. however "information age" may be a name, as we tend to board a crude oil age, within which intensive energy use supported the event of most technologies, together with info technology. Survival values that developed over human evolution (i.e, two million years) had time to form it into our deoxyribonucleic acid. however the present ruling intellectual and social worldviews, that ar solely a century or 2 recent, principally ignore these older values. Our main purpose is that these views that presently dominate human puzzling over growth, our place within the world, and therefore the future ar very recent and run principally counter to semipermanent property. a awfully necessary social group role of ecology and ecologists within the twenty first century are to assist outline the environmental and property

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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