
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (التلخيص باستخدام خوارزمية التجزئة)

The GoPro camera is the invention of Nick Woodman. It is a digital camera
that you can wear on your body or attach to your vehicle, such as a
surfboard, bicycle, motorcycle, car, or boat.
With GoPro you can take photos
or action videos.
It's a great invention because you can take your photos and videos
hands free. The camera is small and easy to carry. Therefore, anyone, anywhere-
underwater, on the snow, in the ai-can take photos or videos of his or her most
memorable momentsNick Woodman, born in California in 1975, had the idea for a wearable cam
since the 1990s.
However, he didn't start to develop it untiI 2002 when be
to Australia with some friends.
This was a surfing trip, and Woodman spent moes
of his time in the water.
Woodman could take photos only from the beach Ho
couldn't take photos while he was surfing, So he shared his amazing momente
by telling his friends about them.
All the great moments were just memories. He
was disappointed.

At that time, you had to be a professional surfer for a person to take a photo of
you in the water. That's why most surfers wanted to "go pro." Woodman and his
friends wanted to "go pro" so that they could get photos or video of them selves
That's how Woodman chose the name GoPro. He thought at least some
surfers would be happy with the idea of their own wearable camera.

After Woodman and his friends left Australia, they went to other places around
the world to surf.
One of those places was Bali. One day in Bali, Woodman's
girlfriend (who is now his wife) came to see Woodman.
She was wearing a beautiful
belt made of beads and shells.
Woodman asked how much she paid for it. It cost
very little. So they went to the belt maker and paid him to make 600 belts. After
two months, the belts were done, and Woodman and his girlfriend took the belts
back to California.
They wanted to sell as many belts as they could before the end
of the summer. They sold most of them. Then Woodman moved back to his parernts
With money from the belts and money he borrowed from his parents, he was
able to start GoPro.

Woodman thought it would take him only two months to make this special
camera. In fact, it took him two years. He did everything himself. He worked on the
product over and over again until it was right. He was the designer, engineer, and
salesman. Woodman sold his first GoPro in a

trade show in 2004.
In its first full year of sales,
GoPro made $350,000.
Since then, GoPro has become popular
everywhere. People use it in extreme sports,
such as skydiving and snowboarding, to
catch the most exciting moments. Families
use it to remember everyday activities or
Athletes use it for training
in sports like football and basketball, so
they can review their moves afterwards.
The police use it to train police officers
and document evidence; therefore,
they don't miss anything important.
Anyone can use GoPro, so today
Woodman is a billionaire.

النص الأصلي

The GoPro camera is the invention of Nick Woodman. It is a digital camera
that you can wear on your body or attach to your vehicle, such as a
surfboard, bicycle, motorcycle, car, or boat. With GoPro you can take photos
or action videos. It's a great invention because you can take your photos and videos
hands free. The camera is small and easy to carry. Therefore, anyone, anywhere-
underwater, on the snow, in the ai-can take photos or videos of his or her most
memorable momentsNick Woodman, born in California in 1975, had the idea for a wearable cam
since the 1990s. However, he didn't start to develop it untiI 2002 when be
to Australia with some friends. This was a surfing trip, and Woodman spent moes
of his time in the water. Woodman could take photos only from the beach Ho
couldn't take photos while he was surfing, So he shared his amazing momente
by telling his friends about them. All the great moments were just memories. He
was disappointed.

At that time, you had to be a professional surfer for a person to take a photo of
you in the water. That's why most surfers wanted to "go pro." Woodman and his
friends wanted to "go pro" so that they could get photos or video of them selves
surfing. That's how Woodman chose the name GoPro. He thought at least some
surfers would be happy with the idea of their own wearable camera.

After Woodman and his friends left Australia, they went to other places around
the world to surf. One of those places was Bali. One day in Bali, Woodman's
girlfriend (who is now his wife) came to see Woodman. She was wearing a beautiful
belt made of beads and shells. Woodman asked how much she paid for it. It cost
very little. So they went to the belt maker and paid him to make 600 belts. After
two months, the belts were done, and Woodman and his girlfriend took the belts
back to California. They wanted to sell as many belts as they could before the end
of the summer. They sold most of them. Then Woodman moved back to his parernts
home. With money from the belts and money he borrowed from his parents, he was
able to start GoPro.
Woodman thought it would take him only two months to make this special
camera. In fact, it took him two years. He did everything himself. He worked on the
product over and over again until it was right. He was the designer, engineer, and
salesman. Woodman sold his first GoPro in a

trade show in 2004. In its first full year of sales,
GoPro made $350,000.
Since then, GoPro has become popular
everywhere. People use it in extreme sports,
such as skydiving and snowboarding, to
catch the most exciting moments. Families
use it to remember everyday activities or
vacations. Athletes use it for training
in sports like football and basketball, so
they can review their moves afterwards.
The police use it to train police officers
and document evidence; therefore,
they don't miss anything important.
Anyone can use GoPro, so today
Woodman is a billionaire.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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رابط دائم

يمكنك مشاركة رابط التلخيص بسهولة حيث يحتفظ الموقع بالتلخيص لإمكانية الإطلاع عليه في أي وقت ومن أي جهاز ماعدا الملخصات الخاصة

مميزات أخري

نعمل علي العديد من الإضافات والمميزات لتسهيل عملية التلخيص وتحسينها

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