
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Role of labor union for improving working condition:
The representative of the union helps in lowering the rate of the accident at the workplace as it ensures safe working practices and reduced stress-related health due to a poor working environment, working long hours.So we can say that unions are only an intermediary institution that gave essential components to legislated protections and benefits.The labor union has the agreement of collective bargaining which involves the clause of restrictive excessive working hours and need of equipment for safety purposes such as helmets, goggles and gloves.In America, the trade union complaints to the OSHA, which is the federal agency responsible for enforcing safety regulations at the workplace and fines the companies violating those regulations (McLaurin, 2008).Research has shown that the unionized workplaces have extra benefits for employers as it reduces the cost of accidents and ill health and promotes a safe working environment.Unionized workplaces are inspected and unionization work is a threat for employers for improving the safety at the workplace.Labor unions at workplaces promote better health insurance which reduces the stress of employees regarding medical expenses and improves the health of employees.The unionized workers get more information and get the benefits from the programs of social insurance like worker compensation and unemployment insurance.

النص الأصلي

Role of labor union for improving working condition:
The representative of the union helps in lowering the rate of the accident at the workplace as it ensures safe working practices and reduced stress-related health due to a poor working environment, working long hours. Research has shown that the unionized workplaces have extra benefits for employers as it reduces the cost of accidents and ill health and promotes a safe working environment.
In America, the trade union complaints to the OSHA, which is the federal agency responsible for enforcing safety regulations at the workplace and fines the companies violating those regulations (McLaurin, 2008). Unionized workplaces are inspected and unionization work is a threat for employers for improving the safety at the workplace. Labor unions at workplaces promote better health insurance which reduces the stress of employees regarding medical expenses and improves the health of employees. The labor union has the agreement of collective bargaining which involves the clause of restrictive excessive working hours and need of equipment for safety purposes such as helmets, goggles and gloves. The labor unions improve the employee’s condition by promoting individual community and family well-being. The control and autonomy over their own life are related to the positive outcomes of health and social support in the working environment promotes physical as well as psychological health. Trade unions do a lot of efforts for the growing industrial sector. The main and significant object of the trade union is to provide assurity regarding the safety of the workers. Every worker must get the basic facilities like minimum working hours, fair wage rate, drinking water, safety equipment, paid holidays, lights, social security and other benefits. The contracts of labor union create high standards for wages, working condition, workplace hazards protection, working hours limit and other some factors. The contracts of labor union are mostly underutilized but a fertile ground can be provided for the innovation of public health. Democratic participation encouraged by the union for promoting the well being and shows a sense towards the community between the workers. Labor union helps in receiving more health benefits than the workers without any union. Unionized workers receive 24% more chances of payment of health insurance by the employer than the non-unionized workers (Kearney & Mareschal, 2014). Labor union plays important role in legislation and labor protection and the responsibilities and rights like overtime, health and safety, medical leave and also the enforcement of the responsibilities on the job. The unionized workers get more information and get the benefits from the programs of social insurance like worker compensation and unemployment insurance. So we can say that unions are only an intermediary institution that gave essential components to legislated protections and benefits.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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