
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

After four years, the FIFA World Cup will come to Qatar in 2022 and Qatar will be the first Arab country in the Middle East to host the FIFA World Cup.Qatar is organizing the World Cup to increase the economy of the country through sport to improve large sectors of sports programs such as the development of sports, especially football, as well as improving the infrastructure of the state and sports stadiums such as Khalifa Stadium.Qatar focuses on commercial tourism by providing all necessary services as a tourist destination to travel for leisure.Qatar has spent a lot of money for hosting the FIFA World Cup because it will attract many tourists from around the world and increase the country's economy.Firstly, Qatar has spent a lot of money for hosting the FIFA World Cup because it will attract many tourists from all over the world.Secondly, Qatar has spent a lot of money for hosting the FIFA World Cup because it will increase the country's economy.Therefore, Qatar has ensured frequent visits to Qatar.

النص الأصلي

After four years, the FIFA World Cup will come to Qatar in 2022 and Qatar will be the first Arab country in the Middle East to host the FIFA World Cup. Qatar has spent a great deal of cash getting ready for the World Cup. A few people say these merits contributing to demonstrate that Qatar is very much created. On another hand, a few people say this is squandered for cash and assets. Qatar is likewise a little leave nation. Qatar has spent a lot of money for hosting the FIFA World Cup because it will attract many tourists from around the world and increase the country's economy.
Firstly, Qatar has spent a lot of money for hosting the FIFA World Cup because it will attract many tourists from all over the world. For example, when people come to Qatar, people will see the traditions and culture of the state. In addition, football is the most popular sport in the world compared to other sports, so Qatar will welcome the popularity of football and provide relax for tourists. Therefore, Qatar has ensured frequent visits to Qatar. Qatar focuses on commercial tourism by providing all necessary services as a tourist destination to travel for leisure.
Secondly, Qatar has spent a lot of money for hosting the FIFA World Cup because it will increase the country's economy. Qatar is organizing the World Cup to increase the economy of the country through sport to improve large sectors of sports programs such as the development of sports, especially football, as well as improving the infrastructure of the state and sports stadiums such as Khalifa Stadium. Another advantage is that Qatar is reviving urban areas and entering major international projects that benefit the country.
However, some people say that Qatar has spent a lot of money for the 2022 World Cup it leading to waste of funds and resources. In fact, Qatar has spent most of the money on the country because it will benefit the country after the World Cup. Furthermore, some people say that temperatures in Qatar are particularly high in the summer to more than

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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