
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (96%)

The loss of engineers in the middle of a project was unexpected and stressful for all four project managers who lost engineers to the TAT app team.Horizon Consulting had a collaborative workplace culture.Each project at Horizon Consulting was assigned a Green/Blue/Purple designation based on various factors such as client size, project timelines, and so on.

This color designation policy simplified engineer assignment by giving higher designated projects priority in selecting engineers over lower designated projects.2-System of project prioritization
3-Organizational culture

Horizon Consulting had many clients whose business sizes varied greatly, and the organization was adapted to working on many projects concurrently for multiple clients.This encouraged employees to work toward achieving organizational goals rather than fighting among themselves to ensure the success of their own projects.This was achieved by participating in various cross-project team building activities such as softball games.Horizon Consulting's project-driven work environment made resource assignment a recurring issue.This resulted in a distinct hierarchy structure within projects.Another factor that contributed to the success of the post-meeting was the work culture at Horizon Consulting.Employee bonuses were based on the overall growth of the organization rather than the success of any individual projects.The following factors contributed the most to the successful handling of this situation:

1-Please report this essay.These activities provided an opportunity for employees to have fun while also getting to know their coworkers.

النص الأصلي

The loss of engineers in the middle of a project was unexpected and stressful for all four project managers who lost engineers to the TAT app team. However, in my opinion, this situation was handled extremely well. The following factors contributed the most to the successful handling of this situation:

1-Please report this essay.
2-System of project prioritization
3-Organizational culture

Horizon Consulting had many clients whose business sizes varied greatly, and the organization was adapted to working on many projects concurrently for multiple clients. Horizon Consulting's project-driven work environment made resource assignment a recurring issue. Each project at Horizon Consulting was assigned a Green/Blue/Purple designation based on various factors such as client size, project timelines, and so on.

This color designation policy simplified engineer assignment by giving higher designated projects priority in selecting engineers over lower designated projects. This resulted in a distinct hierarchy structure within projects. Another factor that contributed to the success of the post-meeting was the work culture at Horizon Consulting. Horizon Consulting had a collaborative workplace culture. This was achieved by participating in various cross-project team building activities such as softball games.
These activities provided an opportunity for employees to have fun while also getting to know their coworkers. Employee bonuses were based on the overall growth of the organization rather than the success of any individual projects. This encouraged employees to work toward achieving organizational goals rather than fighting among themselves to ensure the success of their own projects.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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