
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

6.Employees having the ability to easily share data could improve vendor communication and customer service.Faster, easier deployment

On-premises ERP implementations are difficult and costly, and companies run the risk of failure for a plethora of reasons, including cost overruns and lengthier timelines than projected.In contrast, IT teams don't need to install SaaS ERP systems locally, so this deployment is theoretically much easier, although legacy ERP issues can complicate this.Easier data sharing

Because SaaS ERP software is accessed online, employees can more easily log on from anywhere and send company data to vendors or customers.Access to modern tools

Newer technologies like AI and IoT can benefit companies in various ways, including better data analysis and customer service.However, AI requires a lot of data storage and computing ability, and if a company has on-premises software, IT may need to add hardware.Companies often need to implement security checks for employees remotely accessing on-premises software.On-premises software is more difficult for employees to access remotely because they usually need to do so via a third party.Cloud software, including SaaS ERP, can provide easier access to these capabilities.In addition, many cloud vendors provide plug-and-play AI cloud services, so companies can get started more easily.7.8.

النص الأصلي

  1. Easier data sharing

Because SaaS ERP software is accessed online, employees can more easily log on from anywhere and send company data to vendors or customers. On-premises software is more difficult for employees to access remotely because they usually need to do so via a third party. Companies often need to implement security checks for employees remotely accessing on-premises software.

Employees having the ability to easily share data could improve vendor communication and customer service.

  1. Faster, easier deployment

On-premises ERP implementations are difficult and costly, and companies run the risk of failure for a plethora of reasons, including cost overruns and lengthier timelines than projected.

In contrast, IT teams don't need to install SaaS ERP systems locally, so this deployment is theoretically much easier, although legacy ERP issues can complicate this.

  1. Access to modern tools

Newer technologies like AI and IoT can benefit companies in various ways, including better data analysis and customer service. However, AI requires a lot of data storage and computing ability, and if a company has on-premises software, IT may need to add hardware. Cloud software, including SaaS ERP, can provide easier access to these capabilities.

In addition, many cloud vendors provide plug-and-play AI cloud services, so companies can get started more easily.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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