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نتيجة التلخيص (67%)

Carton Flow Rack
Carton Flow Rack is a Mallard gravity flow solution used for efficient, accurate case and each picking.

النص الأصلي

Carton Flow Rack
Carton Flow Rack is a Mallard gravity flow solution used for efficient, accurate case and each picking. Also known as “case flow” or “tote flow” rack, carton flow operates in a similar way to pallet flow rack – relying on durable rollers or wheeled tracks, carton flow uses separate load and pick aisles to ensure productive, FIFO order fulfillment directly at the pick face.

Carton flow rack is easily integrated with other material handling systems and can triple the number of case pick locations compared to traditional pallet rack.

Advantages of Carton Flow Rack:
Save space – up to 50% vs. static rack and shelving.
Increase pick locations – up to 40 locations per bay.
Appreciate immediate labor savings – by up to 50%.
Dramatically increase productivity.
Eliminate bending and reaching into a pallet rack.
Supports FIFO inventory rotation.
Replenish SKUs without interference from order picking.

Drive-In / Drive-Thru Pallet Rack
Drive-in and the drive-through rack are designed for last-in, first-out (LIFO – drive-in) or first-in, first-out (FIFO –drive-through) inventory management. Drive-in and drive-thru racks are used with forklifts and pallet jacks. Both systems let lift trucks enter from either side to access pallets. The loads are supported by rails that are attached to upright frames. Lift trucks can be driven through the uprights to access the pallets.

Drive-in racking offers tight storage of boxes, ample aisle area, and allows the forklift to enter the aisle from one side. Often, boxes are stacked against a wall, and inventory is taken from one end. Drive-in racks use the LIFO method for picking inventory – last in, first out. Similarly, drive-thru racking provides good storage capacity but allows access from both ends. It uses the FIFO method of retrieval – first in, first out. Drive-thru racks are ideal for dated or time-sensitive products. Both drive-in and drive-thru racks make efficient use of storage space.

Similarly, drive-thru racking provides good storage capacity but allows access from both ends. It uses the FIFO method of retrieval – first in, first out. Drive-thru racks are ideal for dated or time-sensitive products. Both drive-in and drive-thru racks make efficient use of storage space.

Pallet jacks are the most useful hand-powered jack for your drive-in/drive-out racking warehouse

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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