reminders of the passage of time that have the power to derail my day. Also, we’re not exposed to content that algorithms have chosen for us just once or twice a day; we’re exposed to it every single time we open an app. And we open apps every time we look at our phones. And we look at our phones dozens if not hundreds of times a day. Taken in isolation, each of these moments might not be a big deal, but in the aggregate, their effects raise questions about free will. “ Look around you and ask what drives your product, media, and people choices,” writes Kartik Hosanagar in his book about algorithms, A Human’s Guide to Machine Intelligence . “Unless you are a tech Luddite, algorithms are silently rearranging your life. The conventional narrative is that algorithms will make faster and better decisions for all of us, leaving us with more time for family and leisure. But the reality isn’t so simple. In