Kindly be advised that in these times companies like us (pharma companies) must be working hard to fight this pandemic so shutdown is not an option.However these are guidelines to follow in order to maintain our safety: Safety precautions We are elevating our safety precautions.We encourage you to follow usual health precautions, such as: washing your hands often; social distancing and avoiding interaction with those who are sick; refraining from touching your face more than is necessary; practicing proper coughing and sneezing etiquette; avoiding crowded events; and Avoiding non-essential travel.Also Consider placing rules on visitors, such as requiring that they self-identify travel outside of the country that has occurred within the past 14 days and rescheduling visits for after this self-isolation period has ended.Communication : We want to highlight the importance of communication if/when you're feeling threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic.Office visitors [If you regularly have office visitors (e.g., friends and family, delivery people, third-party vendors, clients, etc.If you are not feeling well, you MUST work from home.Practice the distance.