read. Each day it is the same. Forced to flee Ja Four years ago, Angelo and his family were forced to flee from their home in southern Sudan, Armed tribesmen, fighting the Sudanese government in a civil war, had invaded Angel's village. They stole the villagers' cattle and burned most of the homes. with ST a S C Angelo's father escaped, but no one knows where he is or if he's still alive. With his mother. brothers, and sisters, Angelo came to northern Sudan, where there is no fighting. They live in a settlement outside of Khartoum, Sudan's capital. About 1.5 million people live in the makeshift refugee "towns" around Khartoum. "When we arrived," Angelo says, "the first thing we did was build a small hut from sticks. To make walls and a roof, we covered the sticks with scraps of cardboard and plastic." Inside the hut, there is 3 nothing but a burlap mat spread across the ground to sleep on. Because Angelo's family is so poor, they rarely have a morning meal. "Sometimes we have tea," says Angelo, "but most of the tea we have, my younger sister tries to sell to anyone who passes by Jour shelter."