"Gender studies have developed differently, achieving the greatest influence in North America; the ,,era of feminism" that began in the late 1960s and affected academic and public life as well as ,,high" and popular culture has been instrumental in shaping th e historical and scholarly context of its generation.(C) 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Gender as an analytical category continues to motivate researchers in many areas.The term gender was often understood to be the basis of women"s subordination in public and private life. Women are supposed to be the second class in the household as well as in the workplace, everywhere from the pink-collar ghettos of the corporations, via images of women in the media to government or educational agencies establishing policies affecting women. Activities criticizing the gendered aspects of everyday life kept the issue in the public eye; interest and support were galvanized by media events such as the disruption of the Miss America Pageant in 1968, where the trappings of stereotypical femininity-dish-cloths, steno pads, girdles and bras-were thrown into a ,,Freedom Trash Can" (Morgan, 1968, p. 62-67).Many publishers and journals now adhere to guidelines to avoid gender stereotyping and gender prejudiced language use.New York: Harper&Row Publishers, Inc.(1968).(1980).